Release v1.66.0 / v2.3.0
⛔ Breaking Changes
- [refactor] remove archive reader and writer from remote storage grpc handler (@mahadzaryab1 in #6611)
- Delete grpc metricsqueryservice, metricsquery.proto and related code (@yurishkuro in #6616)
- [storage] remove distinction between primary and
storage interfaces (@mahadzaryab1 in #6567) - [v2][query] create archive reader/writer using regular factory methods (@mahadzaryab1 in #6519)
🐞 Bug fixes, Minor Improvements
- [fix] replace deprecated address field in service::telemetry (@mahadzaryab1 in #6679)
- [fix] change metrics port in kafka ingester config to avoid conflict with collector (@mahadzaryab1 in #6678)
- Update elasticsearch article link (@timyip3 in #6662)
- [chore] move scylladb implementation to
(@mahadzaryab1 in #6652) - [fix] refactor archive storage initialization and remove error log (@mahadzaryab1 in #6636)
- Update import paths for jaeger thrift files to use jaeger-idl (@Nabil-Salah in #6635)
- [v2][query] apply "max clock skew adjust" setting (@dnaka91 in #6566)
- Alias samping.thrift and clean thrift files (@Nabil-Salah in #6630)
- Fix(hotrod): include ca certificates for hotrod dockerfile (@prashant-shahi in #6627)
- Replace all imports of jaeger/thrift-gen/* with jaeger-idl/thrift-gen/* (@danish9039 in #6621)
- Redefine thrift-gen types as aliases to jaeger-idl (@danish9039 in #6619)
- Add 'features' command to print available feature gates (@ADI-ROXX in #6542)
- Replace jaeger_image_tag with jaeger_version (@ADI-ROXX in #6614)
- Use jeager-idl/proto-gen/api_v2 (@Nabil-Salah in #6609)
- Additional model/ cleanup (@yurishkuro in #6610)
- Return 400 instead of 500 on incorrect otlp payload (@ADI-ROXX in #6599)
- Replace model imports with jaeger-idl (@Nabil-Salah in #6595)
- Redefine model/ and api_v2/ types as aliases to jaeger-idl/ types (@Nabil-Salah in #6602)
- Add example of es/os server_urls to configs (@yurishkuro in #6601)
- Sanitize cassandra version before use it (@rubenvp8510 in #6596)
- Feat: add esmapping-generator into jaeger binary (@Rohanraj123 in #6327)
- Add replication parameter to cassandra schema script (@asimchoudhary in #6582)
- Exclude idl/ as a source of go code (@yurishkuro in #6591)
- Change model.tootelxxxid() to accept id argument (@yurishkuro in #6589)
- [refactor][storage][badger]refactored the prefilling of cache to reader (@Manik2708 in #6575)
- Move span.getsamplerparams out of model/ into sampling/aggregator (@Nabil-Salah in #6583)
- Remove logger parameter in adaptive/aggregator.go (@Nabil-Salah in #6586)
- Separate model parts into more independent pieces (@yurishkuro in #6581)
- [storage]generate mocks for dependency writer of v2 (@Manik2708 in #6576)
- [chore] remove unused method from grpc handler (@mahadzaryab1 in #6580)
- Document usage of feature gates for breaking changes (@yurishkuro in #6568)
- [refactor] move sampling strategy providers to internal/sampling/samplingstrategy (@ary82 in #6561)
- [v2][storage] implement reverse adapter to translate v2 writer to v1 (@mahadzaryab1 in #6555)
- [refactor] move sampling strategy interfaces to internal/sampling/strategy (@ary82 in #6547)
- Switch v1 receivers to use v2 write path (@yurishkuro in #6532)
- [refactor] move plugin/sampling/leaderelection to internal/leaderelection (@ary82 in #6546)
- [refactor] move sampling http handler to internal/sampling/http (@ary82 in #6545)
- [storage] remove dependency on archive flag in es reader (@mahadzaryab1 in #6490)
- [refactor] move sampling grpc handler to internal/sampling/grpc (@ary82 in #6540)
- Correct references in cmd (@jyoungs in #6539)
- Use jaeger-v2 by default in hotrod and monitor examples (@zzzk1 in #6523)
- Pass context through span processors (@yurishkuro in #6534)
👷 CI Improvements
- Upgrade storage integration test: use v2 archive readerwriter (@ekefan in #6489)
- [chore][tests] clean up integration tests to remove archive reader / writer (@mahadzaryab1 in #6625)
- Bump jaeger-idl (@yurishkuro in #6569)
- [storage]upgraded integration tests to use dependency writer of storage_v2 (@Manik2708 in #6559)
- [ci] fix binary-size-check workflow (@chahatsagarmain in #6552)
- [ci] scrape and verify metrics at the end of e2e tests (@chahatsagarmain in #6330)
- [ci] add workflow to guard against increases in the binary size (@chahatsagarmain in #6529)
📊 UI Changes
🐞 Bug fixes, Minor Improvements
- Remove defaultprops from minimap.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2615)
- Remove defaultprops from scatterplot.jsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2618)
- Migrate empasizednode from class based to function based component (@AdiIsHappy in #2638)
- Remove defaultprops from accordiantext.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2612)
- Remove defaultprops from ticks.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2617)
- Remove defaultprops from timelinerow.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2616)
- Remove defaultprops from traceheader.jsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2620)
- Remove defaultprops from accordianlogs.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2613)
- Remove defaultprops fromt breakabletext.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2611)
- Remove defaultprops from errormessage & newwindowicon (@ADI-ROXX in #2609)
- [loadingindicator]: replace defaultprops with destructuring (@its-me-abhishek in #2601)
- [fix]: disable submit button on invalid minduration or maxduration (@hari45678 in #2600)
- [deps]: remove dependency on redux-form (@hari45678 in #2593)
- [fix]: remove redux-form dependency from sort selector (@hari45678 in #2569)
- [revert]: revert redux and react-redux dependency upgrades (@yurishkuro in #2577)
- Fix: deep clone trace data for consistency (@Zen-cronic in #2571)
- [fix]: remove redux-form dependency from monitor page (@hari45678 in #2562)
- Fix tracediff graph pan and zoom issue (@anshgoyalevil in #2566)
👷 CI Improvements
- Remove unused matrix from codeql workflow (@yurishkuro in #2635)
- Rename dco->dco check (@yurishkuro in #2633)
- Add fake dco check for merge queue events (@yurishkuro in #2632)
- Don't run label check in merge queue (@yurishkuro in #2631)
- Don't run codeql from merge queue (@yurishkuro in #2630)
- Enable workflows to run in merge queue (@yurishkuro in #2629)
- [ci] fix cache resolution and syntax in check binary size workflow (@chahatsagarmain in #2591)
- [ci]: add workflow to guard against growing bundle size (@hari45678 in #2586)