Multiple cursors in Neovim which work how you expect.
Now with help pages! :h multicursor
- Visual and select modes with char/line/block selections
- Normal, insert, replace modes
- Undo/redo
- Virtualedit
- Autocompletion
- Snippet expansion (use
) - Cursor specific registers for searching and yanking
- Match & split cursor selections with regex
- Transpose cursor selections
- Align cursor columns
- Easily extended with the Cursor API
- Works with most plugins and remaps
branch = "1.0",
config = function()
local mc = require("multicursor-nvim")
local set = vim.keymap.set
-- Add or skip cursor above/below the main cursor.
set({"n", "x"}, "<up>", function() mc.lineAddCursor(-1) end)
set({"n", "x"}, "<down>", function() mc.lineAddCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "x"}, "<leader><up>", function() mc.lineSkipCursor(-1) end)
set({"n", "x"}, "<leader><down>", function() mc.lineSkipCursor(1) end)
-- Add or skip adding a new cursor by matching word/selection
set({"n", "x"}, "<leader>n", function() mc.matchAddCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "x"}, "<leader>s", function() mc.matchSkipCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "x"}, "<leader>N", function() mc.matchAddCursor(-1) end)
set({"n", "x"}, "<leader>S", function() mc.matchSkipCursor(-1) end)
-- Add and remove cursors with control + left click.
set("n", "<c-leftmouse>", mc.handleMouse)
set("n", "<c-leftdrag>", mc.handleMouseDrag)
set("n", "<c-leftrelease>", mc.handleMouseRelease)
-- Disable and enable cursors.
set({"n", "x"}, "<c-q>", mc.toggleCursor)
-- Mappings defined in a keymap layer only apply when there are
-- multiple cursors. This lets you have overlapping mappings.
-- Select a different cursor as the main one.
layerSet({"n", "x"}, "<left>", mc.prevCursor)
layerSet({"n", "x"}, "<right>", mc.nextCursor)
-- Delete the main cursor.
layerSet({"n", "x"}, "<leader>x", mc.deleteCursor)
-- Enable and clear cursors using escape.
layerSet("n", "<esc>", function()
if not mc.cursorsEnabled() then
-- Customize how cursors look.
local hl = vim.api.nvim_set_hl
hl(0, "MultiCursorCursor", { link = "Cursor" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorVisual", { link = "Visual" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorSign", { link = "SignColumn"})
hl(0, "MultiCursorMatchPreview", { link = "Search" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorDisabledCursor", { link = "Visual" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorDisabledVisual", { link = "Visual" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorDisabledSign", { link = "SignColumn"})
This section explains the basic usage of multicursor.nvim with the default config.
- You can add cursors above/below the current cursor with
. - You can skip a line with
. - You can match the word/selection under the cursor forwards or backwards with
. - You can skip a match forwards or backwards using
. - You can add and remove cursors using the mouse with
- You can rotate through cursors with
. - You can delete the current cursor using
- You can disable cursors with
, which means only the main cursor moves. - When cursors are disabled, you can press
to add a cursor under the main cursor. - You can press
to enable the cursors again.
- Once you have your cursors, you use vim normally as you would with a single cursor.
- When you want to collapse your cursors back into one, press
The example config only has a few actions to keep it easy to understand. Below are a lot of powerful multicursor actions for quick reference, so you can pick which you find useful.
-- Pressing `gaip` will add a cursor on each line of a paragraph.
set("n", "ga", mc.addCursorOperator)
-- Clone every cursor and disable the originals.
set({"n", "x"}, "<leader><c-q>", mc.duplicateCursors)
-- Align cursor columns.
set("n", "<leader>a", mc.alignCursors)
-- Split visual selections by regex.
set("x", "S", mc.splitCursors)
-- match new cursors within visual selections by regex.
set("x", "M", mc.matchCursors)
-- bring back cursors if you accidentally clear them
set("n", "<leader>gv", mc.restoreCursors)
-- Add a cursor for all matches of cursor word/selection in the document.
set({"n", "x"}, "<leader>A", mc.matchAllAddCursors)
-- Rotate the text contained in each visual selection between cursors.
set("x", "<leader>t", function() mc.transposeCursors(1) end)
set("x", "<leader>T", function() mc.transposeCursors(-1) end)
-- Append/insert for each line of visual selections.
-- Similar to block selection insertion.
set("x", "I", mc.insertVisual)
set("x", "A", mc.appendVisual)
-- Increment/decrement sequences, treaing all cursors as one sequence.
set({"n", "x"}, "g<c-a>", mc.sequenceIncrement)
set({"n", "x"}, "g<c-x>", mc.sequenceDecrement)
-- Add a cursor and jump to the next/previous search result.
set("n", "<leader>/n", function() mc.searchAddCursor(1) end)
set("n", "<leader>/N", function() mc.searchAddCursor(-1) end)
-- Jump to the next/previous search result without adding a cursor.
set("n", "<leader>/s", function() mc.searchSkipCursor(1) end)
set("n", "<leader>/S", function() mc.searchSkipCursor(-1) end)
-- Add a cursor to every search result in the buffer.
set("n", "<leader>/A", mc.searchAllAddCursors)
-- Pressing `<leader>miwap` will create a cursor in every match of the
-- string captured by `iw` inside range `ap`.
-- This action is highly customizable, see `:h multicursor-operator`.
set({"n", "x"}, "<leader>m", mc.operator)
-- Add or skip adding a new cursor by matching diagnostics.
set({"n", "x"}, "]d", function() mc.diagnosticAddCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "x"}, "[d", function() mc.diagnosticAddCursor(-1) end)
set({"n", "x"}, "]s", function() mc.diagnosticSkipCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "x"}, "[S", function() mc.diagnosticSkipCursor(-1) end)
-- Press `mdip` to add a cursor for every error diagnostic in the range `ip`.
set({"n", "x"}, "md", function()
-- See `:h vim.diagnostic.GetOpts`.
mc.diagnosticMatchCursors({ severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR })
All of the provided actions are implemented using the Cursor API, which is
accessible for writing your own complex multi-cursor logic. You can view
the docs at :h multicursor-api