This is an unofficial Hubitat implementation for Wyze devices. The app offers basic control over supported devices and device groups.
Join the conversation in the Hubitat Community discussion thread.
Support is currently limiited to devices I have on hand. Devices will be added as I get them or as the community contributes.
- Wyze Bulb
- Wyze Color Bulb (Meshlight)
- Wyze Lightstrip (Non Pro Model. Single Color.)
- Wyze Plug
- Wyze Outdoor Plug
- Wyze Cam (limited support)
- Device Group Update - currenttly after a device group is added, changes to device membership in Wyze are not reflected in Hubitat.
In process of submitting...
Back up your hub or live dangerously.
Install the App. In Hubitat, access the Apps Code menu. Click New App then Import. Paste the RAW URL to the WyzeHub App:
Install the Drivers. In Hubitat, access the Drivers Code menu. Click New Driver then Import. Paste the URL for a driver listed below. Repeat for all drivers.
- Wyze Bulb:
- Wyze Bulb Group:
- Wyze Color Bulb:
- Wyze Plug:
- Wyze Plug Group:
- Wyze Cam:
- Wyze Cam Group:
Install an instance of the WyzeHub app. In Hubitat, go to Apps > Add User App, select WyzeHub, and follow the prompts to enter your credentials and import devices.
- 2FA should work. If you have issue authenticating using 2FA, disable 2FA on your Wyze account and re-enable after connecting WyzeHub.
- Token refreshing still isn't perfect, and Wyze also seems to randomly flag tokens with a rate limit.
- If your devices stop working, it is likely due to a token issue. Check the log for errors.
- To resolve auth issues, simply re-enter your usename and password in the App settings. This will initiate a new token request.
Contributions are welcome if you'd like to see additional devices supported or expanded features. Please do so via a pull request:
- Fork this repository.
- Add your driver or functionlaity.
- It will likely be best to do your work against the
branch. - Name the device something so to be accurate and recognizable (i.e. 'Camera v2' vs 'Camera v3')
- Take care to follow formatting, code styling, and general "code feel" as best as poossible.
- Keep the same license (if submitting back to this repo).
- It will likely be best to do your work against the
- Test the hell out of your code.
- Submit a Pull Request back to the
The following GitHub repos were of great help in the development of this package:
- 🐍 shauntarves/wyze-sdk: Unofficial Wyze SDK in Python. Used quite a bit as a reference for this libray.
- 🏡 ndejong5/homebridge-wyze-connected-home-op: Wyze Homebridge driver. I initially started updating this driver to add support for the Color Bulb. Quickly got frustrated with Homebridge and decided to abandon that effort for this one.
- ☕ HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue: Used extensively as a reference for Hubitat app and driver development.