- Website: https://www.jamescherti.com
- Source code snippets: Gist @jamescherti
- Open source projects: GitHub @jamescherti
- X: @jamescherti
minimal-emacs.d: A customizable Emacs base that provides better Emacs defaults and optimized startup, intended to serve as a solid foundation for your vanilla Emacs configuration.
easysession.el: EasySession is an Emacs session manager that can persist and restore file editing buffers, indirect buffers/clones, Dired buffers, the tab-bar, and the Emacs frames (with or without the Emacs frames size, width, and height).
outline-indent.el: An origami.el alternative that provides a minor mode that enables code folding based on indentation levels. (It works for any indentation-based text files, such as YAML, Python, and other indented text files.)
compile-angel.el: Speed up Emacs! This package guarantees that all .el files are both byte-compiled and native-compiled, which significantly speeds up Emacs.
dir-config.el: Automatically find and evaluate .dir-config.el Elisp files to configure directory-specific settings.
buffer-terminator.el: A package that automatically kills buffers to help maintain a clean and efficient workspace, while also improving Emacs' performance by reducing the number of open buffers, thereby decreasing the number of active modes, timers, and other processes associated with those buffers.
watch-xfce-xfconf: Configure XFCE 4 programmatically using the
commands displayed by watch-xfce-xfconf when XFCE 4 settings are modified. -
vim-tab-bar.el: Make the Emacs tab-bar Look Like Vim’s Tab Bar .
elispcomp: A command line tool that allows compiling Elisp code directly from the terminal or from a shell script. It facilitates the generation of optimized .elc (byte-compiled) and .eln (native-compiled) files.
ultyas: Ultyas is a command-line tool designed to simplify the process of converting code snippets from UltiSnips to YASnippet format.
enhanced-evil-paredit.el: An Emacs package that prevents parenthesis imbalance when using evil-mode with paredit. It intercepts evil-mode commands such as delete, change, and paste, blocking their execution if they would break the parenthetical structure.
tomorrow-night-deepblue-theme.el: The Tomorrow Night Deepblue Emacs theme is a beautiful deep blue variant of the Tomorrow Night theme, which is renowned for its elegant color palette that is pleasing to the eyes. It features a deep blue background color that creates a calming atmosphere. The theme is also a great choice for those who miss the blue themes that were trendy a few years ago.
quick-sdcv.el: This package enables Emacs to function as an offline dictionary by using the sdcv command-line tool directly within Emacs.
vim-tomorrow-night-deepblue: The Vim color scheme Tomorrow Night Deepblue is a beautiful deep blue variant of the Tomorrow Night color scheme.
flymake-ansible-lint.el: The flymake-ansible-lint Emacs package provides a Flymake backend for ansible-lint.
inhibit-mouse.el: A package that disables mouse input in Emacs, offering a simpler and faster alternative to the disable-mouse package.
flymake-bashate.el: A package that provides a Flymake backend for the bashate Bash script style checker.
vim-easysession: Persist and restore your Vim editing sessions easily and effortlessly.
vim-client: Connect to Vim and edit files, diff files, send Vim commands, evaluate Vim expressions...
jc-xfce-settings: This project provides the jc-xfce-settings.sh script, which holds James Cherti's settings to customize the XFCE desktop environment, including window management, notifications, desktop behavior, keyboard settings, and more, to enhance the user experience.
cherrybuckle: Cherry MX Blue mechanical keyboard simulator (Compatible with: Linux and MacOS).
pathaction: A command-line tool that enables the execution of specific commands on targeted files or directories. Useful for developers, Emacs users, Vim users... Its key advantage lies in its flexibility, allowing users to handle various types of files (such as source code, text files, images, videos, configuration files, and more) simply by passing the file or directory as an argument to the pathaction tool.
pathaction.el: An Emacs package that allows executing the pathaction command-line tool directly from Emacs.
vim-pathaction: An Vim plugin that allows executing the pathaction command-line tool directly from Vim.
be-quiet.el: The be-quiet Emacs package helps manage and minimize unwanted output in your Emacs environment. It is useful in contexts where controlling or suppressing verbosity is required.
org-ibullets.el: A minor mode for Emacs that enhances Org mode by displaying heading bullets as UTF-8 characters.
ultisnips-mode.el: An Emacs major mode for editing Ultisnips snippet files. This mode provides syntax highlighting to facilitate editing Ultisnips snippets.
bufferfile.el: An Emacs package that offers a suite of helper functions for deleting and renaming files. It also ensures that all associated buffers, including indirect buffers, are properly handled during these operations.
git-smartmv: A command-line tool that intelligently moves files and directories by automatically choosing between 'git mv' and 'mv' depending on the source and destination paths.
vim-hjklmode: Add hjkl navigation to all Vim modes. This Vim plugin will help you to break the habit of using the keys that make you move your hand away from the touch type position.
bash-stdops: A collection of helpful Bash scripts that simplify various operations, including file searching, text replacement, and content modification.
git-commitflow: A command-line interface that assists with the Git operations of adding, viewing differences, committing changes, and pushing updates.
jc-dotfiles: This repository houses James Cherti's dotfiles and configuration scripts.
buffer-wizard.el: An Emacs package offers a suite of buffer related helper functions.
jc-vimrc: The jc-vimrc project is a customizable Vim base that provides better Vim defaults, intended to serve as a solid foundation for a Vim configuration.
ansible-role-tuned: An Ansible playbook that manages the installation, configuration, and activation of the tuned service.
ansible-role-reniced: An Ansible role that configures reniced on Debian and Ubuntu based operating systems.
ansible-role-flatpak: An Ansible role that installs and configures Flatpak, adds Flathub as a remote repository, and optionally manages Flatpak packages and updates.
ansible-role-gitolite: An Ansible role that installs and configures Gitolite for managing Git repositories and access control on remote servers.
jc-gentoo-portage: This repository houses James Cherti's Gentoo Portage, which enables the compilation and installation of software packages on a Gentoo Linux system.