We believe that everyone should have access to quality software (like Sentry), that’s why we have always offered Codecov for free to open source maintainers.
By open sourcing Codecov, we’re not only joining the community that’s supported us from the start — but also want to make sure that every developer can contribute to and build on the Codecov experience.
A private Django REST Framework API intended to serve Codecov's front end.
This project contains a makefile. To build the docker image:
make build
is used in the base image. If you make changes to requirements.txt
you will need to rebuild.
Note, you'll need to install Rust to build ribs
which is a dependency of shared
. Go here for more info on how to do this: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
This project contains a docker-compose.yml
file that is intended to run the api standalone. In this configuration it does not share codecov.io's development database; so don't expect parity there.
To start the service, do
docker-compose up
Utilizing its own database provides a convenient way for the REST API to provide its own helpful seeds and migrations for active development without potentially destroying/modifying your development database for codecov.io.
Once running, the api will be available at http://localhost:5100
This service will startup when you run codecov.io normally. It is under that api
block of codecov.io's docker-compose.yml
The easiest way to run tests (that doesn't require installing postgres and other dependencies) is to run inside of docker:
docker-compose up
docker exec -it codecov-api_api_1 pytest -rf
If you would like to use pytest directly (Either through an IDE like PyCharm or with the CLI), you will need to change the settings file used by pytest. Run this command to have the tests executed (You will need an instance of postgres running locally):
RUN_ENV=TESTING DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=codecov.settings_test pytest
Make sure to have all the requirements from requirements.txt
All work merged into the main
branch is immediately deployed to the production environment. More context on this strategy can be found here.
To deploy to our staging environment it's crucial to follow these steps:
- Check in Slack to see if anyone is currently using the staging environment
- If not, delete the current
branch - Create a new
branch and merge your feature branch into it
Steps 2 and 3 are important to limit interaction between features not yet merged into main. This approach was inspired by this document: https://codecovio.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ENG/pages/507445249/Branching+and+Continuous+Delivery+Strategy+Proposal
This project should store no secrets or credentials in its source. If you need to add to / modify / setup secrets for this project, contact Eli and he'll get you started..
This repository uses pip-tools
to manage dependencies, so make sure you've installed it with pip install pip-tools
. To add or update dependencies, change requirements.in
, Then run
pip-compile requirements.in
Do not change requirements.txt
This project uses black
for formatting.
You can run the linter using the command make lint
We leverage Django's migration system to keep the state of our models in sync with the state of our database. You can read more about how we work with migrations at https://codecovio.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ENG/pages/1696530442/Migrations
This repository, like all of Codecov's repositories, strives to follow our general Contributing guidlines. If you're considering making a contribution to this repository, we encourage review of our Contributing guidelines first.