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Shamir Secret Sharing using WebAssembly
Read and write data on NEAR blockchain using telegram bot.
Moloch-Mystics / moloch-v2x-mystic
Forked from lexDAO/moloch👹 Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money!
lexDAO / moloch
Forked from MolochVentures/moloch👹 Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money!
miguelmota / react-wyre
Forked from archanova/react-wyreReact component for the Wyre widget
rmeissner / EIPs
Forked from ethereum/EIPsThe Ethereum Improvement Proposal repository
protortyp / payment-channel
Forked from mattdf/payment-channelEthereum Payment Channel in 50 lines of code
jadbox / auto-youtube-subscription-playlist-2
Forked from Elijas/auto-youtube-subscription-playlist-2Script automatically adds videos to playlists from Youtube or Reddit channels and/or subscriptions (Youtube Collections alternative)
A collection of Node-RED nodes for AWS.
JaneaSystems / nodejs-mobile
Forked from nodejs/node-chakracoreFull-fledged Node.js on Android and iOS
pirapira / yellowpaper
Forked from ethereum/yellowpaperThe "Yellow Paper": Ethereum's formal specification
EverexIO / Chainy
Forked from amilabs/ChainyProof of Existence + Links + Files + Blockchain.
linkeddata / node-webid
Forked from magnetik/node-webidWebID node.js library
mhhf / dapple
Forked from dapphub/dappleA tool for contract system developers.
diminator / bigchaindb
Forked from bigchaindb/bigchaindbA scalable blockchain database
namecoin / namecoin-core
Forked from domob1812/namecoin-coreNamecoin full node + wallet based on the current Bitcoin Core codebase.
jadbox / pg-rxjs
Forked from joaosp/pg-then[pg-rxjs] combining PostgreSQL and Rx for Node
Doc manager for Neo4j
tokenly / Tokenly-Pockets
Forked from loon3/Tokenly-PocketsDigital Token Wallet powered by Bitcoin
agmoyano / OpenIDConnect
Forked from ammmir/node-oauth2-providerA simple customizable OpenID Connect provider (server) for node.js.
truthcoin / truthcoin-cpp
Forked from bitcoin/bitcoinKnowledge Revolution
OpenAssets / openassets-js
Forked from andrewfhart/openassetsJavaScript implementation of the Open Assets Protocol
pcting / videojs-vpaid-swf
Forked from guardian/video-js-vpaidVPAID Linear Advert Flash Player for VideoJS
pcting / videojs-vast
Forked from theonion/videojs-vast-pluginA VideoJS plugin for VAST
r3b / phantomjs
Forked from ariya/phantomjsScriptable Headless WebKit, once more with plugin support
twolfson / gifsockets-server
Forked from nko4/console-logNever-ending animated GIFs as a chat system
lazooz / lbm-client
Forked from orenyodfat/lbm-clientLazooz Location Based Mining App
jlongster / js-csp
Forked from js-csp/js-cspCSP channels for Javascript (like Clojurescript's core.async, or Go) THIS IS AN UPSTREAM FORK
A sandbox that combines Google's Native Client with the codius/codius-lang-js build of Node.js to run untrusted Javascript code.