allows you quickly run URL schemes while also automatically generating tags based on your query.
It features an inline YAML configuration for specifying tags and related terms, along with a customizable URL scheme using dynamic placeholders [title]
, [tags]
, and [today]
, and is optimized for Sorted³ out of the box.
Tags are derived from the words in the query, with URLs being excluded. For usage examples, please refer to the unit tests in
work 📁:
- work
- ios
- pr
review 👀:
- pr
- doc
- review
Card 💡:
- create card
Important 🔺:
- '!!'
- title: "Add to inbox 📥"
url: sorted://x-callback-url/add?title=[query]&tags=[tags]&date=[today]
- title: "Add to admin 📁"
url: sorted://x-callback-url/add?title=[query]&tags=[tags]&date=[today]&list=%F0%9F%93%81%20Admin
- title: "Search in Sorted³"
url: sorted://x-callback-url/open?search=[query]
icon: search.png
Dyanmic variables:
Built in icons:
- Download the latest workflow and import it into Alfred.
- Configure the configs in the workflow settings
- Enjoy & God bless!