This repository contains presentations, sample code, etc. I often give the same talk more than once, so I tend to iterate on them each time. If you want to see what the slides, code, etc. looked like on a particular date, use the repository history.
Most of my recent presentations have used reveal.js so they can be viewed in a web browser. I recommend using dotnet-serve. Install it as a global tool and serve the root of this presentations repository:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-serve
dotnet serve -o
The following is a chronological list of talks I've given:
- 4/18/2015: .NET Compiler Platform, What Can It Do For Me? (NoVa Code Camp)
- 8/18/2015: .NET Compiler Platform, What Can It Do For Me? (.NET DC User Group)
- 10/26/2015: Wyam Lightning Talk (.NET Unboxed)
- 4/9/2016: Cutting Through The Static (Philly Code Camp)
- 4/30/2016: I Open Source, And So Can You! (NoVa Code Camp)
- 5/4/2016: .NET Compiler Platform, What Can It Do For Me? (Microsoft Maniacs User Group)
- 7/11/2016: Lightning Talk - Giving Back: Your First Pull Request (.NET Fringe)
- 9/20/2016: I Open Source, And So Can You! (.NET DC User Group)
- 10/8/2016: Cutting Through The Static (NoVa Code Camp)
- 6/5/2017: Wyam Lightning Talk (.NET Fringe)
- 10/7/2017: A Gentle Introduction To Vue.js (NoVa Code Camp)
- 1/23/2018: How To Select A Web Framework (NOVA Software Architecture Round Table, assisting Steve Albers)
- 2/20/2018: Introduction to Vue.js (.NET DC User Group)
- 4/25/2018: .NET In Your Browser, A Preview Of The Future With Blazor and WebAssembly (Microsoft Maniacs User Group)
- 5/12/2018: .NET In Your Browser, A Preview Of The Future With Blazor and WebAssembly (NoVa Code Camp)
- 5/18/2019: Build Your Knowledge Of MSBuild (NoVa Code Camp)
Generally, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Individual presentations, content, code, etc. may be subject to different licenses as indicated.