This repository is a simple math JRPG written in python using the Pygame library.
This game is intended for elementary students who want to increase their math skills.
The player is automatically placed in the first map and has to solve the math problems shown. If they answer correctly, their level increases (shown on the bottom right corner of the screen) and they deal damage to the enemy closest to them. The player can move on to the next map once they defeat all the enemies of the current map.
(Med Packs sold separately)
This program was coded in VScode with various extensions including the Microsoft Python extension and Pygame. It was written in the Python programming language using version 3.9+
In order for this game to work on your machine, you must download the following modules:
Aaron Dunn, Jared Anderson, Samuel Cummings, Alex Jacobs
- Adding more enemies to the maps.
- Allowing multiple enemies to spawn in.
- Making the Red Rectangle a playable character.
- Creating welcome /game-over screens