- Florida
- 4h behind - http://pixelfear.com
- @jason_varga
Statamic Peak is an opinionated starter kit for all your Statamic sites.
Lightweight, native Mac menu bar app that helps you manage multiple PHP installations, locate config files and more. Also interacts with Laravel Valet.
Automatic code formatting for Laravel projects
A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
Extends Parsedown to add support for server side code block rendering
A collection of awesome Statamic articles, links, resources and other rad things.
Super basic form HTML builder, only really exists so I can pull it in for some other more useful projects.
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to https://github.com/vuejs/core
A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI). An official integration for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise: https://github.com/works-with/category/desktop-tools
jQuery plugin for 'responsive cropping'. Dynamically crop images to fill available space without cutting out the image's subject. Great for full-screen images.
Vira Theme is the official successor of the popular Material Theme. This premium version is actively maintained, includes hand-curated icons and more features
A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
The missing link between your product pages and your payment gateway
Abstraction for local and remote filesystems
Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
Work with custom variables in your Statamic templates.
Statamic plugin for trimming unnecessary white space from a template.
A PHP wrapper around the Git command line utility.
A simple PHP GitHub API client, Object Oriented, tested and documented.
A Grunt plugin for testing under a throttled connection.
Create an Apple-like one page scroller website (iPhone 5S website) with One Page Scroll plugin
Shim for getUserMedia(). Uses native implementation for modern browsers and a Flash fallback for everyone else.
Wrote a couple of extra language parsers for PrismJS. Feel free to make these better.