The video is available at the following URL:
All of my code is available at the following GitHub repository:
This will require installing the Django and Graphene modules, via PIP as Conda does not list these libraries, and will allow the user to make use of the GraphQL interface locally.
A live interactive GraphQL IDE allowing introspection of the schema along with functionality for data manipulation is, all generated from the project demo is available here:
An Introduction to Graphene and Relay
Build Your First Python and Django Application
Explaining GraphQL Connections
Full-stack React + GraphQL Tutorial
Getting started with GraphQL and Graphene
Graphene and Django Tutorial using Relay
Graphene: Making GraphQL Easier - Syrus Akbary
GraphQL + Apollo – Part 1: An Introduction
How the f**k do I set up Django, Django REST Framework, ReactJS and Browserify?
How to get started with GraphQl on Django
The Emerging GraphQL Python stack