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Starred repositories
oyvindln / adler2
Forked from jonas-schievink/adlerRust crate for computing Adler-32 checksums (fork)
A maintained fork of proc-macro-error using syn 2
dylex / slack-libpurple
Forked from necrosis/slack-libpurpleSlack module for libpurple
Ethiraric / yaml-rust2
Forked from chyh1990/yaml-rustA pure Rust YAML implementation.
simonask / libyaml-safer
Forked from dtolnay/unsafe-libyamlYAML library, based on unsafe-libyaml
cpplint / cpplint
Forked from google/styleguideStatic code checker for C++
pkrefta / django-on-heroku
Forked from heroku/django-herokuA Django library for Heroku apps.
cpp-pm / hunter
Forked from ruslo/hunterCMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++.
Panel for the Django Debug Toolbar to easily and quickly switch between users
jellegerbrandy / crowdao
Forked from peakwinter/firestarterDjango-based self-hosted crowdfunding platform
A library for writing reliable data invariants in Django.
jptd / templated-docs
Forked from kiawin/templated-docsGenerate PDF, MS Word and Excel documents from templates in Django
Drop-in replacement for Django's template fragment caching. Provides automatic cache invalidation.
JSON Web Token Authentication support for Django REST Framework
lifehackjim / cert_human
Forked from neozenith/get-ca-pySSL Certificates for Humans
ICRAR / ijson
Forked from isagalaev/ijsonIterative JSON parser with Pythonic interfaces
DanielVenturini / npm-diff
Forked from juliangruber/npm-diffDiff two versions - range versions too - of a node module
Provide OAuth2 access to your app
ksdme / coala-ls-gsoc
Forked from coala/coala-lscoala language server
bruceauyeung / github-contrib-stats
Forked from yshnb/github-statstatistics analysis of the numbers of merged/LGTM'ed/open PRs in specified repos for specified user(s)
bluzi / github
Forked from github-tools/githubA higher-level wrapper around the Github API. Intended for the browser.
hitchtest / pykwalify
Forked from Grokzen/pykwalifyPython JSON/YAML schema validation library
blackducksoftware / ohloh_scm
Forked from rcoder/ohloh_scmThe Ohloh source control management library
Refresh python requires during build
rasyidf / Edi
Forked from Dirkster99/EdiEdi - The open source integrated development environment (IDE) based on AvalonDock and AvalonEdit
internetarchive / wayback
Forked from iipc/openwaybackIA's public Wayback Machine (moved from SourceForge)
hbredin / staged-recipes
Forked from conda-forge/staged-recipesA place to submit conda recipes before they become fully fledged conda-forge feedstocks