Projects | Education | Skills | Interests
Anthropologist turned developer, with an interest in scalability, functional programming and DevOps. Looking for a role which combines software engineering with DevOps, preferably with a diverse tech stack and the option to explore various roles across the development cycle.
Name | Description | Tech | Testing | Group Size | Duration | Week Number |
Final Project | My groups final project at Makers Academy. A livechat web application utilising websockets to allow push notifications between server and client. | MongoDB, Express, React, Node | Jasmine Mocha | 4 | 10 days | 12 |
Bank Tech Test | A practice tech test to build a simple CLI banking app | Javascript | Jasmine | 1 | 2 days | 10 |
Takeaway Challenge | A Makers Academy weekend challenge to build a CLI app which notifies users of successful orders via text. Also allows users to order via text message | Ruby, Sinatra, Heroku, Twilio | Rspec | 1 | 2 days | 2 |
- Test Driven Development
- Agile workflow
- Continuous Integration
- Single responsibility principle
- Languages: Javascript, Ruby and brief intro to Java and Scala
- Databases: Postgresql and MongoDB
- Frameworks: Express, React, Sinatra, Rails, Jquery
- Testing:
- Javascript: Jasmine, Chai, Nightwatch
- Ruby: Rspec and Capybara
- Deployment/Integration: Heroku, Travis, Mlab
- Gained strong independent research skills and the ability to clearly communicate ideas and concepts
- Read a number of case studies detailing the inner-workings of business, governments and healthcare organisations. This led to an appreciation of the challenges and potential gains of achieving effective communication between individuals and groups with differing areas of expertise.
During the course I have been told by several other students that I am able to exaplain technical concepts in a clear and simple way. I believe that through the use of metaphors and examples I am able to communicate the fundamental ideas behind techincal concepts to people who do not have a technical background.
I have worked hard during my time at Makers to expand my team work and communication skills. The best thing I learned at Makers Academy was how to work as part of a team and follow a modern, professional approach to software development.
My preference is for back-end work and DevOps. I am interested in creating fast, scalable software which takes advantage of cloud architecture and modern communication technologies. I am currently looking to expand on my groups final project at makers, by using a pub/sub service to enable scaling of our application across servers.
I have a passion for traveling and playing sports. I have recently traveled to Asia, South America, Eastern Europe and I spent a year living and working in Australia. I like to play football and table tennis and I make sure to make time for a few sessions of yoga and climbing each week.