Javascript - Jasmine
$ git clone
$ cd bank-tech-test
$ node inspect src/app.js
$ c
$ repl
available commands are
* account.deposit(amount)
* account.withdraw(amount)
* account.getBalance()
* account.printStatement()
I decided to split my application into three seperate components, a bank account, a statement and a statement printer. I wanted to use dependency injection, by inserting my statement and printer objects into my account object. This approach allows me to expose all of the apps functionality via a single interface, the account object.
- Encapsulated state and exposed a series of getter/setter methods for interacting with application state
- Seperated concerns into clearly defined components which provide a single responsibility
- I would refactor my design to incorporate prototypal inheritance. I appreciate the encapsulation provided by closures, however, this approach does make modifying features more difficult. I would like to adopy a hybrid approach which allows encapsulation and makes the code flexible for change.
- I would like to expand on the CLI interface to allow a better user experience