Javascript - Jasmine
$ git clone
- Launch /index.html in your browser
- Open the developer tools and navigate to the console
- To input a roll, call
- To view the current total call game.score()
- Launch /SpecRunner.html in your browser
In this challenge I attempted to design my application so that a user interface could be added at a later time with ease. As the end of the second day was approaching I began to realise that adding a user interface would mean rushing and potentialy degrading my code quality. I decided to focus on refactoring and maintaining code quality as extra features can be added at a later date.
- Full test driven design with comprehensive feature testing
- Kept a potentialy logically complex challenge clean and maintainable
- Used es6 arrow functions to keep code clean with the use of lexical 'this' and implicit return
- Build a front end using Jquery, Jquery Ui and Boostrap 4
- Continued focus on team work and communication while entering the second week of team work at makers