$ irb
2.5.0 :001 > require './lib/station.rb'
=> true
2.5.0 :002 > require './lib/oyster_card.rb'
=> true
2.5.0 :003 > card = OysterCard.new
=> #<OysterCard:0x00007f9bcb050ff0 @balance=0, @journey_log=#<JourneyLog:0x00007f9bcb050
fa0 @history=[]>>
2.5.0 :004 > card.top_up 10
=> 10
2.5.0 :005 > hampstead = Station.new(:hampstead, 3)
=> #<Station:0x00007f9bca08a350 @name=:hampstead, @zone=3>
2.5.0 :006 > whitechapel = Station.new(:whitechapel, 1)
=> #<Station:0x00007f9bca11b6c0 @name=:whitechapel, @zone=1>
2.5.0 :007 > card.touch_in hampstead
=> #<Station:0x00007f9bca08a350 @name=:hampstead, @zone=3>
2.5.0 :008 > card.touch_out whitechapel
=> false
2.5.0 :009 > card.balance
=> 7
2.5.0 :010 >
$ rspec
My focus was on translating the requirments into a simple plan and writing clean, test driven code.
- Test coverage > 95%
- Spent time learning pry
- Simple methods no longer than 3 lines
- Understand the debate surrounding testing/ not testing private methods