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File metadata and controls

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Config: Basic

These values are mostly passed to pywm and configure basic behaviour needed c-side.

Configuration key Default value Description
outputs List of dictionaries: Output configuration (see next lines) "" String: Name of output to attach config to actual output
output.scale 1.0 Number: HiDPI scale of output
output.width 0 Integer: Output width (or zero to use preferred)
output.height 0 Integer: Output height (or zero to use preferred)
output.mHz 0 Integer: Output refresh rate in milli Hertz (or zero to use preferred)
output.pos_x None Integer: Output position x in layout (or None to be placed automatically)
output.pos_y None Integer: Output position y in layout (or None to be placed automatically)
output.anim True Bool: Enable or disable most animations on this output (useful for virtual outputs)
output.background.path String: Optionally specify wallpaper for this output (overrides background.path)
output.background.anim True Bool: Optionally disable movements of the background (overrides output.anim and background.anim)
pywm Dictionary: pywm config, see possible keys below
pywm.enable_xwayland False Boolean: Start XWayland
pywm.xkb_model String: Keyboard model (xkb)
pywm.xkb_layout String: Keyboard layout (xkb)
pywm.xkb_variant String: Keyboard variant (xkb)
pywm.xkb_options String: Keyboard options (xkb)
pywm.outputs List of dicts: Output configuration (see next lines) "" String: Name of output to attach config to actual output
pywm.output.scale 1.0 Number: HiDPI scale of output
pywm.output.width 0 Integer: Output width (or zero to use preferred)
pywm.output.height 0 Integer: Output height (or zero to use preferred)
pywm.output.mHz 0 Integer: Output refresh rate in milli Hertz (or zero to use preferred)
pywm.output.pos_x None Integer: Output position x in layout (or None to be placed automatically)
pywm.output.pos_y None Integer: Output position y in layout (or None to be placed automatically)
pywm.xcursor_theme String: XCursor theme (if not set, read from; if set, exported to XCURSOR_THEME)
pywm.xcursor_size 24 Integer: XCursor size (if not set, read from; if set, exported to XCURSOR_SIZE)
pywm.tap_to_click True Boolean: On touchpads use tap for click enter
pywm.natural_scroll True Boolean: On touchpads use natural scrolling enter
pywm.focus_follows_mouse True Boolean: Focus window upon mouse enter
pywm.contstrain_popups_to_toplevel False Boolean: Try to keep popups contrained within their window
pywm.encourage_csd True Boolean: Encourage clients to show client-side-decorations (see wlr_server_decoration_manager)
pywm.debug False Boolean: Loglevel debug plus output debug information to stdout on every F1 press
pywm.texture_shaders basic String: Shaders to use for texture rendering (see src/wm/shaders/texture)
pywm.renderer_mode pywm String: Renderer mode, pywm (enable pywm renderer, and therefore blur), wlr (disable pywm renderer)

Config: General appearance

Some basic appearence and animation related configuration:

Configuration key Default value Description
background.path String: Path to background image (replaces obsolete wallpaper)
background.time_scale 0.15 Number: Time scale of background movement
background.anim True Bool: Prevent (False) background movement
blend_time 1.0 Number: Time in seconds to blend in and out (at startup and shutdown)
anim_time .3 Number: Timescale of all animations in seconds
corner_radius 18 Number: Radius of blacked out corners of display (0 to disable)
view.corner_radius 12 Number: Corner radius of views (0 to disable)
view.padding 6 Number: Padding around windows in normal mode (pixels)
view.fullscreen_padding 0 Number: Padding around windows when they are in fullscreen (pixels)
interpolation.size_adjustment .5 Number: When window size adjustments of windows (slow) happen during gestures and animations, let them take place at the middle (.5) or closer to start / end (.1 / .9 e.g.)

A very basic server-side decoration implementation is available (unicolor rounded corners border around a view). This will be displayed on views requesting SSDs and floating views.

Configuration key Default value Description
view.ssd.enabled True Enable SSD drawing
view.ssd.color '#BEBEBEFF' Color of the border
view.ssd.width 2 Width in pixels

Also a border highlight can be displayed around focused windows:

Configuration key Default value Description
focus.enabled True Enable the fous highlight
focus.color '#19CEEB55' Color of the focus highlight
focus.distance 4 Width of the border
focus.width 2 Distance to view
focus.animate_on_change False Show an animation when focus changes
focus.anim_time 0.3 Timescale of this animation

Config: Behaviour, keys and gestures

The most important configuration options with regard to behaviour are mod and key_bindings; see below for them and some more detailed ones.

Configuration key Default value Description
key_bindings lambda layout: [] Key bindings as array, see, and dotfiles)
view.send_fullscreen True Let clients know when they are set to fullscreen (which leads to them adjusting, e.g. YouTube fullscreen)
view.accept_fullscreen True Set a view to fullscreen, if it requests so, setting this to False will leave a view in its tile while the view thinks it is in fullscreen mode, which might be desirable
view.floating_min_size True Try to open floating views in their minimal size instead of their preferred one. This doesn't always work as not all view report minimal size
view.border_ws_switch 10. Amount of pixels a view, which is currently being moved, has to reach into a new output to be switched over to this new output
view.rules lambda view: None Function: Set rules based on a view (e.g. based on view.app_id): Return a dict with all rules set (see below for possible rules).
lock_on_wakeup True Lock screen after wake up is detected (does not work as well as locking on systemd sleep)
greeter_user 'greeter' Relevant if newm is run as login display manager, username used for greetd
on_startup lambda: None Function called when the compositor has started, use to run certain things using os.system("... &")
on_reconfigure lambda: None Function called when the compositor has reloaded the config
synchronous_update lambda: None Function: called once per frame, can be used to e.g. update backlight dynamically. Be careful, will block the compositor.
view.debug_scaling False Debug sclaing of views - if you think views look blurry, this outputs potential issues where logical size and size on the display do not match
enable_unlock_command True Boolean: Enable newm-cmd unlock to unlock the compositor from second tty if lock screen breaks.
energy.idle_callback lambda event: None Callback called with events "lock", "idle", "idle-lock", "idle-presuspend", "idle-suspend", "active", "sleep", "wakeup" to e.g. adjust backlight. See and
energy.idle_times [120, 300, 600] Times to dim, lock and suspend, empty list disables energy management.
energy.suspend_command "systemctl suspend" Command called to suspend after power_times[2] has passed.

The following rules can be used in view.rules:

  • opacity (e.g. lambda view: {'opacity': 0.8 }): Set transparency of view.
  • blur (e.g. lambda view: { 'blur': { 'raidus': 5, passes: 2 }}): Apply background Kawase blur with radius and passes.
  • float, float_size (oprional) and float_pos (optional), e.g. lambda view: { 'float': True, 'float_size': (300, 300), 'float_pos': (0.5, 0.5)}: Always open certain views floating, possibly supplying size and position.

Gesture bindings can be configured, where the first entry in the tuple describes a modifier (e.g. "L", the gesture will only be detected if Logo is held down meanwhile). The examples below are exhaustive for 1-5 finger gestures which can be used:

Configuration key Default value Description
gesture_bindings.launcher (None, "swipe-5") Binding which slides in the launcher panel
gesture_bindings.move_resize ("L", "move-1", "swipe-2") Bindings for moving (second in tuple) and resizing (third in tuple) a view
gesture_bindings.swipe (None, "swipe-3") Binding to swipe between tiles
gesture_bindings.swipe_to_zoom (None, "swipe-4") Binding to zoom in and out

Gesture sensitivity and the like are configured by a lot of numeric parameters; these are structured by the different gesture kinds (swipe to move, swipe to zoom, move, resize) as well as some general ones (gestures and grid). The best way is to experiment with these and hot-reload the configuration (by default M-C). Also acts as a plot script when (grid.debug) is enabled.

Configuration key Default value
gestures.lp_freq 60.
gestures.lp_inertia .8
gestures.two_finger_min_dist .1
gestures.validate_threshold .02
grid.debug False
grid.min_dist .05
grid.throw_ps [1, 5, 15]
grid.time_scale .3
resize.grid_m 3
resize.grid_ovr 0.1
resize.hyst 0.2
swipe.gesture_factor 4
swipe.grid_m 1
swipe.grid_ovr 0.2
swipe.lock_dist 0.01
swipe_zoom.gesture_factor 4
swipe_zoom.grid_m 1
swipe_zoom.grid_ovr 0.2
swipe_zoom.hyst 0.2
move.grid_m 3
move.grid_ovr 0.2
move_resize.gesture_factor 2

Configurable actions on keybindings can be any function calls on layout. Check the class Layout and layout for details.

Config: Gesture providers

Gestures can stem from various sources, most importantly from wlroots and libinput (referred to as c gestures), from evdev directly (referred to as pyevdev gestures), or from any DBus source (see e.g. newm-hand-gestures for an implementation based on a webcam and you moving your hands in front of the laptop).

The reason for having c, as well as python gestures, is that libinput handles gestures very poorly - e.g. it's not possible to detect the end (finger lifted from touchpad) of gestures. But (see also the troubleshooting section), python-side gestures are less secure as your user needs access to the device and newm can't rely on seat management.

The following keys configure the providers:

Configuration key Default value Description
gestures.c.enabled True Enable c gestures
gestures.c.scale_px 800. Scaling of c gestures (just experiment with it)
gestures.dbus.enabled True Allow DBus gestures
gestures.pyevdev.enabled False Enable python gestures (very much encouraged!)
gestures.pyevdev.two_finger_min_dist .1 Experiment with this
gestures.pyevdev.validate_threshold .02 Experiment with this

Config: Panels

Panels mean UI elements, or clients with some special behaviour:

  • launcher: Application launcher, which can be slid in using a gesture
  • lock: Lock screen
  • top_bar, bottom_bar, bar: Bars

These are in general separate apps and can be developed independently of newm; they are started (and restarted, if necessary) by newm and establish a connection to the compositor via dbus. For the bars, there is a newm-included simple implementation which can be configured using panels.top_bar.native (panels.bottom_bar.native). It is, however, not nearly as powerful, as e.g. waybar.

By default newm_panel_basic is included, where the first two of these are implemented as terminal applications in a very basic manner.

Configuration key Default value Description
panels.launcher.cmd "alacritty -e newm-panel-basic launcher" Command to start launcher panel
panels.lock.cmd "alacritty -e newm-panel-basic lock" Command to start lock panel None Command to start top and bottom bars (e.g. waybar)
panels.top_bar.cmd None Command to start top bar (if not started by bar command or native bar in use)
panels.bottom_bar.cmd None Command to start bottom bar (if not started by bar command or native bar in use)
panels.launcher.cwd None Working directory for corresponding command
panels.lock.cwd None Working directory for corresponding command
panels.top_bar.cwd None Working directory for corresponding command
panels.bottom_bar.cwd None Working directory for corresponding command None Working directory for corresponding command
panels.launcher.corner_radius 0 Launcher panel: corner radius (pixel)
panels.launcher.gesture_factor 200 Higher number means less movement with 5 fingers is necessary to open launcher panel
panels.launcher.h 0.8 Launcher panel: height (1.0 is full height)
panels.launcher.w 0.8 Launcher panel: width (1.0 is full width)
panels.lock.corner_radius 50 Lock panel: corner radius (pixel)
panels.lock.h 0.6 Lock panel: height (1.0 is full height)
panels.lock.w 0.7 Lock panel: width (1.0 is full width) False Should the bars be visible in fullscreen mode? True Should the bars be visible in normal mode (or only if the overview is shown)?
panels.top_bar.visible_fullscreen False Analogous to
panels.top_bar.visible_normal True Analogous to
panels.bottom_bar.visible_fullscreen False Analogous to
panels.bottom_bar.visible_normal True Analogous to
panels.top_bar.native.enabled False Enable native top bar
panels.top_bar.native.font 'Source Code Pro for Powerline' Font for native top bar
panels.top_bar.native.font_size 12 Font size for native top bar
panels.top_bar.native.height 20 Height of native top bar
panels.top_bar.native.texts lambda: ["1", "2", "3"] Function called each time top bar is rendered producing the text to render
panels.bottom_bar.native.enabled False Enable native bottom bar
panels.bottom_bar.native.font 'Source Code Pro for Powerline' Font for native bottom bar
panels.bottom_bar.native.font_size 12 Font size for native bottom bar
panels.bottom_bar.native.height 20 Height of native bottom bar
panels.bottom_bar.native.texts lambda: ["4", "5", "6"] Function called each time bottom bar is rendered producing the text to render

The basic launcher panel is configured using ~/.config/newm/, e.g.

entries = {
    "chromium": "chromium --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland",
    "alacritty": "alacritty"
shortcuts = {
    1: ("chromium", "chromium --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland"),
    2: ("alacritty", "alacritty")

provides ways to start chromium and alacritty either by typing their names, or by using the keys 1 and 2 when the launcher is open.

Config: helpers

The package newm.helpers provide some behaviour (smooth dimming, pulse audio, wob support), that's very convenient and can be expected in a compositor, but is not really part of it.

These methods can be used or ignored freely when configuring newm (see e.g. or dotfiles-nix) for examples.

The code is very simple and straight-forward, so I suggest reading through the corresponding files for details.