A quickly thrown together employee name recognition application to help me learn the fine folks I work with at Stack Exchange, running off of Django on Heroku.
The majority of the nitty-gritty work for the app is in staticfiles/main.js, the Django requirement was only done because I expected to need a webserver and ended up not needing it at all. You can look in quiz/views.py$get_employees_from_site to see what I was originally doing that needed a web server.
Note: This assumes you already have Python and the Heroku Toolbelt installed. If you don't, check it out here.
- Clone this repository
- In the folder for this, run
virtualenv venv --distribute
source venv/bin/activate
to enter the virtualenvpip install -r requirements.txt
to install the requirements.foreman start
- Visit
To set this application up on Heroku, follow the instructions in the link to them above to set up an environment, then add a git remote of this repository to your Heroku repo.
- stack-quiz is auto-built in teamcity,
- teamcity dev build will put an instance up at http://[ny,co]-itapp[01,02]:10312 to check out
- if everything's good with dev instance, manually trigger prod in teamcity
- teamcity prod build runs a
kubectl rolling-update
on the resource controller.
- there are 8 docker containers running at any given time
- a
replication controller
handles the proper scheduling of containers- to make the controller,
kubectl create -f gke/quiz-rc.json
- to make the controller,
- the site is then exposed to the internet via a load balancer
gkg expose rc stackquiz-prod --port=80 --target-port=8000 --type="LoadBalancer"
- make sure to set IP to static in google console or ip might change
- DNS entry is quiz.stackex.com