Java Implementation of a nature inspired algorithm, to evolve a population of individuals continuously over time (on the cloud).
- Download the latest JDK Development Kit version from Oracle downloads
- Install JDK in your computer, open the Command Prompt or Terminal and test the installation with "java -version"
- If an error ocurrs on Windows, you may need to add the Java home directory on the System Environment Variables. Recommended lectures on how to solve this issue: How to set Java path in windows and linux and How to set Java home environment variable on windows 10
- Clone this repository, and copy-paste to your designated folder. For the following examples we placed it inside the C: drive
- Open the Command Prompt, and move to the folder with the instruction
cd C:\Documents\GitHub\lcga\algorithm
- Compile the source code with the instruction
javac -d classes src/lifecycle_ga/*.java
- Test the configuration with the instruction
java -cp classes lifecycle_ga.Test_Configuration
- Test the compilation with the instruction
java -cp classes lifecycle_ga.Test_BenchFunction
- Test the full algorithm with the instruction
java -cp classes lifecycle_ga.Test_RunAlgorithm
- To modify the configuration values, please edit the text file
in the folderlcga\algorithm\cfg
- Clone this repository, and copy-paste to your designated folder. For the following examples we placed it inside the drive
- Open the Terminal, and move to the folder with the instruction
cd lcga
- Compile the source code with the instruction
javac -d classes src/lifecycle_ga/*.java
- Test the configuration with the instruction
java -cp classes lifecycle_ga.Test_Configuration
- Test the compilation with the instruction
java -cp classes lifecycle_ga.Test_BenchFunction
- Test the full algorithm with the instruction
java -cp classes lifecycle_ga.Test_RunAlgorithm
- To modify the configuration values, please edit the text file
in the folderlcga\algorithm\cfg
This branch was created to submit all changes needed to perform the CEC-2017, the Java implementation of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2017 benchmark functions, found on "liammcdevitt73/CEC2017".