π Nightly links to GitHub Actions artifacts
TODO: image
You can self-host this project by deploying it to Deno Deploy or using the Deno CLI on your own server.
export NIGHTLINK_GITHUB_TOKEN="github_pat_..."
deno run -A ./main.ts
You can also override the GitHub API base URL via an environment variable:
export NIGHTLINK_GITHUB_BASE_URL="https://api.github.example.com"
deno run -A ./main.ts
Deno supports --env-file ./.env
to load environment variables from a file.
deno run -A --env-file ./.env ./main.ts
This project uses Deno Deploy because it is easy to use, supports TypeScript natively, and is free. To develop this project locally, you'll need a GitHub PAT (classic or fine-grained) with no scopes. This token will be used to fetch the artifact metadata from public GitHub repositories.