Get is a CLI for making HTTP requests.
go install
This CLI is still rudimentary compared to httpie, especially in terms of parsing JSON body paths and supporting other request body types (no file support, etc). Your mileage may vary.
It accepts a URL and a list of request options, and makes an HTTP request to the specified URL. The request options can be used to specify headers, query parameters, and a request body.
HTTP headers are specified using Key:Value syntax. For example, to specify a header named "Accept" with a value of "application/json", you would use:
get accept:application/json
Note that HTTP header names are canonicalized automatically, so "Accept" would be sent, in this case, not "accept".
Query parameters are specified using Key==Value syntax. For example, to specify a query parameter named "q" with a value of "foo", you would use:
get q==foo
Request bodies can be specified using the format <path>[:]=<value>
. For
example, to specify a request body of {"foo":"bar"}
, you would use:
get foo=bar
The value is parsed as a string, unless a colon is present, in which case the
value is parsed as JSON. For example, to specify a request body of {"foo": true}
, you would use:
get foo:=true
Paths can be used to specify more complex request bodies, and they can be nested.
foo[bar]=baz // {"foo":{"bar":"baz"}} Sets an object value.
foo[]=bar // {"foo":["bar"]} Pushes a value onto an array.
foo[1]=bar // {"foo":[null,"bar"]} Sets a value at a specific index in an array.
As a more complex example:
get foo[bar][baz]=qux foo[quux][]:='{"corge":"grault"}' foo[quux][0][graply]=waldo
Would result in the following request body:
"foo": {
"bar": {
"baz": "qux"
"quux": [
"corge": "grault",
"graply": "waldo"
Get is a command-line interface for making HTTP requests.
get <url> [request-options] [flags]
get [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
session Manage sessions
--config string Path to the configuration file (defaults to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/get/config.json)
-d, --data string Data to send in the request body
--form Send input as form data instead of JSON
-h, --help help for get
-l, --highlight Format and highlight input and output
--http Use HTTP instead of HTTPS, regardless of session configuration
--https Use HTTPS instead of HTTP, regardless of session configuration
--max-redirects int Maximum number of redirects to follow (default 10)
-X, --method string HTTP method to use (default "GET")
-B, --no-body Do not print the response body
-H, --no-headers Do not print the response headers
-R, --no-redirects Do not follow redirects
-S, --no-session Do not use a stored session if one exists for this host
--save-all-headers Save all request headers to the session
-s, --session string Session name to use (defaults to URL host)
-t, --stream Stream the response body (implies --no-highlight of output)
-u, --unix Use a Unix socket instead of a network connection
-v, --verbose Print verbose output
Use "get [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Get can be configured using the configuration file located by default at $XDG_CONFIG_PATH/get/config.json.
- "fallback_hostname" (string): The hostname to use when no hostname is specified (for example, if the host is simply ":3000").
- "http_hostnames" (list of strings): A list of hostnames that are considered HTTP hostnames. By default, these hosts will use HTTP unless otherwise noted by flag or session.