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Konk runs a series of commands serially or concurrently.


There are two npm packages I frequently already use for running npm scripts serially or concurrently: npm-run-all and concurrently. I built konk because I wanted something that could run serially and concurrently and did not need to be installed as an npm package (note, however, that konk can be installed from npm). In addition, I wanted to be able to use the same command line interface to run processes defined in a Procfile. Finally, I have always been curious how to build such a command line interface, so this is also a learning exercise for me.

There are currently feature gaps between npm-run-all and concurrently, but I am working to fill them when I have time.


Install via Homebrew:

brew install jclem/tap/konk

Or, use or install directly from npm:

npx konk
npm install -g konk


Run a Procfile

Given a procfile defined as follows:

a: echo A
b: echo B
c: echo C

Run the procfile commands concurrently:

konk procfile
[a] a
[a] exit status: 0
[b] b
[b] exit status: 0
[c] c
[c] exit status: 0

Run Commands

Commands can be provided as arguments to run them as-is, or they can be provided with the -n/--npm flag to specify that they be read out of the scripts section of the package.json file in the current working directory, and then run.


Run three commands serially:

konk run s "echo A" "echo B" "echo C"
[0] A
[0] exit status: 0
[1] B
[1] exit status: 0
[2] C
[2] exit status: 0

Run three commands serially with custom labels:

konk run s -l "1A" "echo A" -l "2B" "echo B" -l "3C" "echo C"
[1A] A
[1A] exit status: 0
[2B] B
[2B] exit status: 0
[3C] C
[3C] exit status: 0

Run commands concurrently, using the commands themselves as labels:

konk run c -L "echo A; sleep 1; echo D" "echo B" "echo C"
[echo A; sleep 1; echo D] A
[echo B                 ] B
[echo B                 ] exit status: 0
[echo C                 ] C
[echo C                 ] exit status: 0
[echo A; sleep 1; echo D] D
[echo A; sleep 1; echo D] exit status: 0

Run commands from package.json:

In this example, we specify a script "check" in the package.json file using konk that runs all other scripts with the prefix "check:". We use -c to specify that we should continue running other commands if one exits with a non-zero exit code, -g specify that all of the output for a given command should be aggregated together (rather than interleaved with other concurrent commands), and -L to specify that the command itself should be used as the label.

    "scripts": {
        "check": "konk run c -cgL -n'check:*''",
        "check:lint": "eslint .",
        "check:format": "prettier --check .",
npm run check
[npm run check:format] 
[npm run check:format] > alight@0.0.0 check:format
[npm run check:format] > prettier --check .
[npm run check:format] 
[npm run check:format] Checking formatting...
[npm run check:format] All matched files use Prettier code style!
[npm run check:format] exit status: 0
[npm run check:lint  ] 
[npm run check:lint  ] > alight@0.0.0 check:lint
[npm run check:lint  ] > eslint .
[npm run check:lint  ] 
[npm run check:lint  ] exit status: 0

CLI Help

Run Procfile

Run commands defined in a Procfile (alias: p)

Usage: konk procfile [OPTIONS]

      --color <COLOR>                Enable color output [possible values: true, false]
  -c, --continue-on-failure          Continue running commands after any failures
      --env-file <ENV_FILE>          Path to a .env file to load [default: .env]
      --kill-timeout <KILL_TIMEOUT>  Time (in seconds) for commands to exit after receiving a SIGINT/SIGTERM before a SIGKILL is sent to them [default: 10]
      --no-env-file                  Do not load the .env file
      --no-environment               Do not inherit runtime environment variables
      --no-label                     Do not attach label to output
      --no-subshell                  Do not run commands with a subshell
      --show-pid                     Include command PID in output
  -h, --help                         Print help

Run Commands Serially

Run commands serially (alias: s)

Usage: konk run serially [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS]...


  -b, --bun                          Run package.json scripts with Bun
      --color <COLOR>                Enable color output [possible values: true, false]
  -L, --command-as-label             Use each command as its own label
  -c, --continue-on-failure          Continue running commands after any failures
      --kill-timeout <KILL_TIMEOUT>  Time (in seconds) for commands to exit after receiving a SIGINT/SIGTERM before a SIGKILL is sent to them [default: 10]
  -l, --label <LABELS>               Label prefix for each command (must match given number of commands)
      --no-environment               Do not inherit runtime environment variables
      --no-label                     Do not attach label to output
      --no-subshell                  Do not run commands with a subshell
  -n, --npm <NPM>                    Run script defined in package.json by name
      --show-pid                     Include command PID in output
  -h, --help                         Print help

Run Commands Concurrently

Run commands concurrently (alias: c)

Usage: konk run concurrently [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS]...


  -g, --aggregate-output             Aggregate command output
  -b, --bun                          Run package.json scripts with Bun
      --color <COLOR>                Enable color output [possible values: true, false]
  -L, --command-as-label             Use each command as its own label
  -c, --continue-on-failure          Continue running commands after any failures
      --kill-timeout <KILL_TIMEOUT>  Time (in seconds) for commands to exit after receiving a SIGINT/SIGTERM before a SIGKILL is sent to them [default: 10]
  -l, --label <LABELS>               Label prefix for each command (must match given number of commands)
      --no-environment               Do not inherit runtime environment variables
      --no-label                     Do not attach label to output
      --no-subshell                  Do not run commands with a subshell
  -n, --npm <NPM>                    Run script defined in package.json by name
      --show-pid                     Include command PID in output
  -h, --help                         Print help


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