cd workspaces && mkdir my-profile && cd my-profile
dotnet new console -n Profile
code .
namespace Profile;
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var aboutMeBuilder = new AboutMeBuilder()
name: "Jean Carlos Moreira da Silva",
birthDate: new DateTime(1995, 9, 1),
workStartDate: new DateTime(2014, 10, 1),
currentEmployer: "5by5 IT Solutions",
favoriteStack: ".Net Core/C#",
address: new("Araraquara", "São Paulo", "Brazil")
new[] { "C#", "Node with JS/TS", "Python", "Powershell", "Shell", "GoLang", "JAVA" },
new[] { "SQL Server", "PostgreSQL", "Oracle", "MongoDB", "DynamoDB", "Redis", "Firestore" },
new[] { "RabbitMQ", "SNS", "SQS", "Google Pub/Sub", "Azure Service Bus", "Kafka", "SignalR", "Event Hub", "Cloud events" }
new[] { "Jenkins", "Azure Pipelines", "Cloud Build", "Spinnaker", "Github Actions" }
new[] { "Clean Code", "SOLID", "TDD", "Clean Architecture", "DDD", "Hexagonal Architecture", "Pipes&Filters" }
new[] { "AWS", "GCP", "Azure", "OCI" }
new[] { "Microservices", "Event Sourcing", "CQRS", "EDAs", "CDC", "ACLs", "BFFs / Gateway Aggregation", "Federated Identity", "Cache-Aside" }
new[] { "Retry", "Circuit Breaker", "Fallback", "BulkHead", "Timeout", "SAGA" }
dotnet run Profile.csproj
- 😊 Principal Solutions/Sofrware Architecture with over 10 years of experience, I help companies navigate their digital modernization journeys, leveraging technology as a strategic pillar for decision-making and sustainable growth.
- 💬 Throughout my career, I have worked on challenging projects across various industries, including government, e-commerce, agriculture, aviation, education, and, most recently, healthcare. Each experience has fueled my passion for innovation and impactful solutions.
- 🔥 A recent highlight of my career was my involvement in the second-largest merger between Brazilian companies in 2024, between Hapvida and NotreDame Intermédica, where I contributed to the strategic technological direction, accelerating digital transformation.
- 😋 My expertise in open-source technologies such as Kubernetes, Helm, Keda, and OpenTelemetry has been instrumental in enabling large organizations to scale and modernize their systems sustainably and efficiently.
- 🏥 Currently, I am contributing to the strategic and tactical design of solutions at Hapvida NDI, Brazil’s largest healthcare operator, driving innovation and enabling new scenarios to address the challenges of the future.