This repository is a POC for generating CUE schemas for Terraform providers.
Experiment with:
$ cue eval --all -AHO -e '#schemas'
$ cue def -A -e '#schemas'
The results are different and none of them suitable to just copy-paste into a CUE file.
The eval
version is closer to the desired output, doesn't keep some type information. For example, for an attribute of type ["set", "string"]
that corresponds to a CUE constraint of [...string] & list.UniqueItems()
it outputs []
The def
version just outputs gibberish to me at this point, as I don't quite understand yet what the differences are supposed to be.
Would a better approach (at least for the time being) be to generate the CUE schemas with Go, instead?
Any help or guidance is appreciated. (^-^)/
resource_schemas: {
some_resource: {
block: {
attributes: {
created_at: {
type: "string"
computed: true
encrypted_value: {
type: "string"
optional: true
sensitive: true
topics: {
type: ["set", "string"]
required: true
import "list"
#schemas: {
some_resource: {
created_at?: string @computed()
encrypted_value?: string @sensitive()
topics!: [...string] & list.UniqueItems()