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An active fork of curl-impersonate with more versions and build targets. A series of patches that make curl requests look like Chrome and Firefox.
desttinghim / zig-minisign
Forked from jedisct1/zig-minisignMinisign reimplemented in Zig.
Easy-to-follow instructions for adding Input Shaping to your Prusa MK3S/+ using Kipper
fgsect / WAFL
Forked from WAVM/WAVMBinary-only fuzzer for WebAssembly (WASI)
wasix-org / wasix-libc
Forked from WebAssembly/wasi-libcwasix libc implementation for WebAssembly
OSS AI Companion Chatbot - Build your own AI companion in Python using ChatGPT.
nirbarazida / YOLOv6
Forked from meituan/YOLOv6YOLOv6: a single-stage object detection framework dedicated to industrial applications.
VectorCamp / vectorscan
Forked from intel/hyperscanA portable fork of the high-performance regular expression matching library
instantsc / SimpleDnsCrypt
Forked from bitbeans/SimpleDnsCryptA simple management tool for dnscrypt-proxy
Oblivious DoH client application written in Rust
Up-to-date WITX interface definitions for the Fastly Compute@Edge platform.
Omega-Numworks / Omega
Forked from numworks/epsilonOmega 2.0, the next evolution of Epsilon! Now available for your Numworks calculator!
jedisct1 / wasmtime-crypto
Forked from bytecodealliance/wasmtimeWebAssembly cryptography API for wasmtime.
GPU code for the first SHA-1 collision attack and two freestart attacks
MrKrzYch00 / zopfli
Forked from google/zopfliAdvanced Zopfli fork: ZIP support, multi-threading, compression cache (zopfliDB), auto/manual block split, compression and speed control with thread affinity locking and more, experimental switches.
kevinlewi / opaque-ke
Forked from facebook/opaque-keAn implementation of the OPAQUE password-authenticated key exchange protocol
orestisfl / wasm-trace
Forked from wasm3/node-wasm-traceInstruments wasm files and traces execution, using Binaryen.js and Wasmer.js
data61 / MP-SPDZ
Forked from bristolcrypto/SPDZ-2Versatile framework for multi-party computation
AlexeyAB / darknet
Forked from pjreddie/darknetYOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet )
YOLOv3 for iOS implemented using CoreML.
Ding-Liu / NLRN
Forked from ychfan/tf_estimator_bareboneCode for Non-Local Recurrent Network for Image Restoration (NeurIPS 2018)
renaud1239 / tfhe
Forked from tfhe/tfheTFHE: Fast Fully Homomorphic Encryption Library over the Torus
ianhuang-777 / guetzli-cuda-opencl
Forked from google/guetzliPerceptual JPEG encoder, optimized with CUDA&OpenCL, full JPEG format support.
holzschu / blink
Forked from blinksh/blinkBlink Mobile Shell for iOS (Mosh based)
mgharbi / hdrnet
Forked from google/hdrnetAn implementation of 'Deep Bilateral Learning for Real-Time Image Enhancement', SIGGRAPH 2017
reyk / cloud-openbsd
Forked from ajacoutot/aws-openbsdFork of AWS-OpenBSD with additional support for Azure.
ezrosent / crossbeam
Forked from crossbeam-rs/crossbeamCrossbeam fork with hash table implementation (see github.com/ezrosent/wf_hash_writeup)