- star·gaz·er
Someone that has starred a repository. - van·i·ty
Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements.
I created this out of pure vanity, hence the name. I was curious as to who has starred my repositories (and others) and what companies they worked for.
This allows programs lets a user understand that data without parsing through many pages of stargazers.
It is required that you use a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT). You can generate one here. The required scopes are ['read:org', 'user:email', 'read:user']
. Set your PAT to environment variable GITHUB_PAT
isn't set, you will be prompted for your PAT in the beginning of startup.
Usage of ./stargazer-vanity:
-company string
Filter stargazers by company name(s). Can be comma separated.
If no names are given, then all stargazers will output.
Filter stargazers that are GitHub employees.
-repo string
(Required) The name of the repository.
-owner string
(Required) The owner or organization of the repository.
- Amazon, Google, and GitHub employees for cli/cli
./stargazer-vanity -company=amazon,google -employee -owner=cli -repo=cli
- Nvidia employees for jef/streetmerchant
./stargazer-vanity -company=nvidia -owner=jef -repo=streetmerchant
make build
: Builds sourcemake clean
: Cleans executablemake dist
: Cross-compilation for distribution