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191 lines (147 loc) · 7.48 KB

File metadata and controls

191 lines (147 loc) · 7.48 KB

Getting started

You do not need any computer skills, smarts, or anything of that nature. You are very capable as you have made it this far. Some basic understanding how a terminal, git, and or Node.js is a bonus, but that does not limit you to getting streetmerchant running!


Using Node.js

Reference Note
tag Example, v1.0.0; stable
main Latest HEAD; not tagged, could be unstable
  1. Download Node.js 16
  2. Clone this project git clone
    1. To checkout a particular reference, use git checkout <ref name> after cloning.
  3. Navigate to this project by entering cd streetmerchant.
  4. Run npm install.
  5. Make a copy of dotenv-example and name it dotenv.
  6. Edit the dotenv file to your liking using a text editor (like vscode).
  7. Run npm run start to start.

At any point you want the program to stop, use ++ctrl+c++.

???+ tip Community based help can also be found on the wiki. Feel free to check that out if you're having problems running. If you're still having problems running, you're probably not the first. Make some searches through the GitHub issues before making one.

Using Docker

Available via GitHub Container Registry.

Tag Note
latest Latest release; stable
nightly Latest HEAD each day at midnight UTC; could be unstable
# to run docker nightly
docker run -it --rm \
  --env-file ./dotenv \

# to test notifications
docker run -it --rm  \
  --env-file ./dotenv \ test:notification:production

See Developing in docker for more information


To customize streetmerchant, make a copy of dotenv-example as dotenv and make any changes to your liking. View Reference for more information on variables and their usage.

???+ tip All environment variables are optional.

For developers

Developing in Node.js

The command npm run start:dev can be used instead of npm run start to automatically restart the project when filesystem changes are detected in the src/ folder or dotenv file.

Use npm run lint to see any linting uses and npm run fix to automatically fix the issues it can.

Developing in Docker


Starting with docker-compose

  1. Make a copy of dotenv-example and name it dotenv.
  2. Edit the dotenv file to your liking using a text editor (like vscode).
  3. If you're using make, you can run make run to start and make stop to stop.
    1. There are more options in the Makefile, feel free to explore.
  4. If you do not have make, you can run docker-compose directly:
# To start
# Use `-d` if you want to run in detached mode
# Use `--build` if you want to build the image before running (default image is latest in GitHub Container Registry).
docker-compose up

# To break down
docker-compose down

???+ note If you are using WEB_PORT, then you will need to add the following to docker-compose:


Replace `<WEB_PORT>` with the value you gave in your `dotenv`.

Developing in Heroku


Starting with File correction

  1. Make a copy of dotenv-example and name it dotenv.
  2. Edit the dotenv file to your liking using a text editor (like VSCode or even Notepad).
  3. Find the option OPEN_BROWSER and set it to OPEN_BROWSER=false
    1. After this, I recommend you setup some form of contacting your directly in the dotenv file as well.
    2. This can be phone, email, or whatever you'd want. The information won't be public.
    3. Save and close file.
  4. Locate the .gitignore file and open it.
    1. Remove build/ and dotenv.
    2. Save and close file.
  5. Locate the package.json file and open it.
    1. Locate the "posttest" config.
      1. Under it, paste:
      "postinstall": "npm run tsc",
      "tsc": "tsc",
  6. Create a file called Procfile with no type declaration(.txt/.doc/.etc.)
    1. Open it with Notepad
    2. Paste: worker: npm run start:production
    3. Close and save file
  7. Navigate to src/ and find the file index.ts
    1. Open with IDE or Notepade
    2. Find const args: string[]
    3. Replace with:
      const args: string[] = [

Setting up Heroku

# To start
# Open a terminal and navigate to the master street merchant directory
# From there start this
heroku login
# Follow the steps to login
  1. Leave that terminal up, and go to your Heroku apps
  2. Create a new app:


  1. Name it, and then click Create App


  1. Go to Settings and add two buildpacks
    1. heroku/nodejs

It should look like: IMAGEOFBUILDPACKS

Terminal setup

Back to the terminal that you left open.

  1. Type git init
  2. Once that finishes copy and paste: heroku git:remote -a YOURAPPNAME but make sure YOURAPPNAME is whatever you named your app on Heroku.
  3. Then type git add .
  4. Once that finishes paste git commit -am "COMMITMESSAGE", replacing COMMITMESSAGE with whatever commit message you'd like. This doesn't matter much.
  5. The last thing to do in the terminal is to push your repo to Heroku
    1. Paste git push heroku main
      1. This will take a while

Final steps

  1. On your Heroku app, click on the tab Resources

You should see this: IMAGEOFRESOURCES

  1. Click the pen icon on both to edit their states.
  2. Turn off web npm start
  3. Turn on worker npm run start:production
  4. Click confirm on both.
  5. Now you're essentially done!
    1. I recommend you click on the more dropdown and click logs to make sure everything is running smoothly.
    2. If you set up notifications, you will be notified when you criterias are met(3060 in stock, etc.), otherwise you'll have to keep your eyes on the logs tab