First and foremost, this service will not automatically buy for you.
- Checks stock continuously -- runs 24/7, 365, looking for the items you want.
- Ready for checkout -- ability to add to cart when available and even opens the browser for you.
- Notifications galore -- when you're not by your computer, worry free with notifications to most platforms and devices when an item comes in stock.
You'll find most of the content on the left sidebar. The right sidebar will help you navigate a page.
- Give helpful tips and tricks to the community based wiki.
- Add to the documentation through pull requests.
- Fork and make a pull request to the repository.
- Have an idea, question, or need help? Visit our GitHub discussion board.
- Ran into a bug? File a GitHub issue.
- Looking to hang out and talk shop? Join us on Discord.
The best way to support me is to donate to Diabetes Research Institute.
The Diabetes Research Institute leads the world in cure-focused diabetes research.
If you feel inclined to support me directly, here are those options: