Pathify makes working with Vuex easy, with a declarative, state-based, path syntax:
Paths can reference any module, property or sub-property:
Get or set data without syntax juggling or worrying about implementation:
Set up one or two-way data binding on any store value without bloat or fuss:
Wire multiple properties or sub-properties using array, object and wildcard formats:
Set up your store – no matter how complex – in a single line:
And... that's it.
Conversely, working with Vuex directly requires is much more work.
Store setup is a manual and laborious process:
Getting and setting values requires juggling accessors, syntax and naming:
Component wiring can require up to 4 different helpers, name juggling, plus additional template binding:
Writing computed properties takes this much code per property for 2-way wiring:
Essentially, vanilla Vuex takes a lot of manual JavaScript coding to both set up and maintain.
Check out the code comparison demo which illustrates a reduction in Vuex code when using Pathify, of between 2 and 14 times (or more) depending on store size and setup.
In practical terms, Pathify results in:
- less cognitive overhead
- zero store boilerplate
- one-liner wiring
- cleaner code
- lighter files
- Read the documentation to find out more
- Check out the demo to see the code in action
- Install the package from NPM