monokle Public
Forked from kubeshop/monokle🧐 Monokle is your K8s best friend for creating, validating, debugging and managing manifests! 🚀
ts-error-translator Public
Forked from mattpocock/ts-error-translator -
firebookstore-fe Public
Front end distribution for FireBookStore written in React + Ant Design Components
bookstore Public
Simple backend for a books inventory mirroring Google Books API
choiceep Public archive
[NO LONGER ACTIVE] Helping people to buy a better credit card by showing them smart analytics collected from various Indian shopping websites
rt-shop Public
Simple shopping website made with React for learning.
A hands-on for the learning of angular and semantic ui
jenil777007.github.io Public
Forked from github/personal-websitepersonal portfolio website
employee_strength_prediction Public
Carried out a small prediction using JavaScript library brain.js
ConnecTex Public archive
[NO LONGER ACTIVE] A web app created with Angular.JS, Angular Material, Bootstrap, PHP for a startup and hosted on 000webhost.com
OSDL_cms_jcms Public
A simple photo blogging web-site entirely made on Wordpress CMS for the course of OSDL. http://jcms.16mb.com/jcms/wordpress/
OSDL_python_web_crawler Public
Repository of python web crawler for course of OSDL.
OSDL_perl_selenium Public
Perl script to search for query in Google and/or to login in to Facebook for the course of OSDL.
spidigo-ahmedabad-login Public
The repository for the python script which is used to automate the login