pygame-forms Public
A small python module I hacked together whilst working on a school assignment.
Static-Asset-Builder Public
Easy to use compiler for static assets like CSS, JavaScript and images.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 25, 2013 -
mongoose-avalidator Public
A mongoose plugin for synchronous/asynchronous validation.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 19, 2013 -
SoundRain Public
Forked from jbrooksuk/SoundRainEvented Node.js module for downloading songs from SoundCloud.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 3, 2013 -
strap Public
Strap is a small binary app written in Node.js for bootstrapping development projects.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 12, 2013 -
easel Public
Easel is a simple highly opinionated Node MVC framework built on Express
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 28, 2013 -
bootstrap-components Public
A proxy for serving Twitter Bootstrap files as components
JavaScript UpdatedMar 21, 2013 -
component-prebuilder Public
A component builder that handles various preprocesors
JavaScript UpdatedJan 20, 2013 -
jQuery-Speech-to-Text-Plugin Public
This is a jQuery plugin that add speech to text buttons to inputs based on the jQuery selector.
Link-Anything Public
Link Anything is small jQuery plugin for enabling you to link anything. It is structured around the data-api approach used by the guys on the Twitter Bootstrap team.
CoffeeScript UpdatedDec 13, 2012 -
Grunt-Init-Tasks Public
A collection of grunt init scripts I use in my development.
jquery.responsiveNavigation Public
Easy to use, semantic approach to responsive navigation.
Ground-Zer0 Public
Ground Zer0 is a starting platform for my website designs.
Sassy-Media Public
Sassy Media re-factors media queries within the CSS outputted by SASS to enhance compression and readability.
DrawingBoard Public
DrawingBoard is a small lightweight PHP HMVC application framework
intellij-latte Public
Forked from AoJ/intellij-latteLatte templating language for IntelliJ IDEA / PhpStorm
Java UpdatedJan 26, 2012 -
jQuery-Text-to-Input Public
Converts form inputs to text and then back to inputs on click. Correctly sends data through on form submission.