Vue3 components that give you the power of editable sandboxes that run in the browser.
import { Sandpack } from 'sandpack-vue3';
<Sandpack template="vue3" />;
Frome 3.0, we add some new templates:
node nextjs vite vite-react vite-react-ts vite-vue vite-vue-ts vite-svelte vite-svelte-ts vite-solid vite-lit astro
Here's an example of a react version for comparison
A list of themes to customize your Sandpack components.
import { githubLight } from "@codesandbox/sandpack-themes";
<Sandpack theme={githubLight} />;
For full documentation, visit
This project removes [devtools component && useSandpackLint hook]
// main.ts
import SanpackPlugin from 'sandpack-vue3';
// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": [
- Sandpack
- SandpackLayout
- SandpackConsole
- SandpackTests
- CodeEditor
- SandpackProvider
- ErrorOverlay
- LoadingOverlay
- SandpackCodeEditor
- SandpackCodeViewer
- SandpackPreview
- SandpackStack
- SandpackTranspiledCode
- SandpackFileExplorer
When using vue, please do not write it that way, It will not take effect
// π
<div style={{ height: 200 }}>
ππ½Write it like this
<div style={{ height: '200px' }}>
npm i
npm run storybook
- nuxt.config.ts
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt';
export default defineNuxtConfig({
vite: {
define: {
'process.env.LOG': {},
npx browserslist