Book searcher.
This runnable uses the Books Google API to make searches about books. It's a simple coroutine project.
- backend-java - under construction
- backend-kotlin
Make sure to have JDK17 installed before continuing. I suggest using SDK-MAN
- Run the build with the make file or just run
mvn clean install
make b
- Run with
java -jar backend-kotlin/target/backend-kotlin.jar
or just run:
make run
curl http://localhost:8080/?query=coming%20out&language=nl
curl http://localhost:8080/?query=Metallicat&language=nl
curl http://localhost:8080/?query=Kabeljauw&language=nl
curl http://localhost:8080/?query=Kaas&language=nl
You can also run docker to get the application running by running docker-compose up -d
make dcup