👋 Hi there! I'm Jesús Dávila Sánchez, a passionate mathematician and software developer with a strong interest in Android development, web development, and data analysis. I enjoy solving complex problems and creating innovative solutions through code and mathematical thinking.
- Description: Designed and developed a notes, habits, tasks, and finance management app using Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, and Android Studio.
- Technologies: Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, MVVM Architecture, Room Database.
- Demo: Check out the demo video on LinkedIn.
Personal Portfolio Website (iesus-dev.com)
- Description: A personal portfolio showcasing my projects, including interactive 3D animations, JavaScript games, and mathematical visualizations.
- Technologies: React.js, Next.js, Three.js, JavaScript, CSS.
- Features:
- Interactive 3D simulations (e.g., free-fall motion calculator).
- JavaScript games (Snake, Tower of Hanoi, airplane game).
- Mathematical visualizations (prime number distributions, Collatz sequence).
- Description: Collaborated in the development of an AI algorithm to diagnose population needs for data-driven public policies at CGEDPP, State Government of Aguascalientes.
- Technologies: Python, Data Analysis, Machine Learning.
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, React, Next.js, Three.js.
- Programming: Python (numpy, pandas, sklearn), Kotlin, SQL, Docker.
- Data Analysis: Data visualization, database management (SQL, Excel, JSON, PySpark).
- Mathematics: Advanced mathematics (abstract algebra, calculus, analysis, differential equations, linear programming).
- Other: Linux, React Native, Microeconomics, Econometrics.
Master's in Methods for Public Policy Analysis (2 semesters)
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Aguascalientes (2023 - 2024). -
Bachelor's in Mathematics
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Puebla (2016 - 2022).
Mathematics Competitions:
- Bronze medalist in the National Mathematics Olympiad for Secondary Schools (2014).
- Honorable mention (5th place) in the Pierre Fermat National Contest (2014).
- State finalist in the Mexican Mathematics Olympiad (2012-2015).
Coaching: Prepared students for state stages of OMM and OMMEB at FCFM-BUAP (2017-2020).
- Portfolio: www.iesus-dev.com
- LinkedIn: jesus-davila-373aa2248
- GitHub: jesusds603
- Email: jesusds603@gmail.com
- Mathematics
- Android Development
- Public Policy
- Web Development
- Data Analysis
- Blockchain
- Automation
- Programming
Feel free to explore my projects and reach out if you'd like to collaborate or discuss ideas! 😊