- Victoria, Canada
- 7h behind - https://john.hawthorn.website
- @jhawthorn.com
- @john@hawthorn.pub
slatedocs / slate
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
Jeddunk / tf2configs
Forked from tf2configs/tf2configsA fork of Chris' tf2configs.
jhawthorn / haml-rails
Forked from haml/haml-railslet your Gemfile do the talking
jhawthorn / show_for
Forked from heartcombo/show_forWrap your objects with a helper to easily show them
jhawthorn / simple_form
Forked from heartcombo/simple_formForms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup.
jhawthorn / letter_opener
Forked from cj/letter_openerquick edit to save the encoded email message
cj / letter_opener
Forked from ryanb/letter_openerPreview mail in the browser instead of sending.
An authorization Rails plugin using a declarative DSL for specifying authorization rules in one place
jhawthorn / perftools.rb
Forked from tmm1/perftools.rbgoogle-perftools for ruby code
jhawthorn / gem-open
Forked from fnando/gem-openOpen gems into your favorite editor by running a specific gem command
cbrunsdon / librmpd
Forked from nex3/librmpdlibrmpd is a simple yet powerful Music Player Daemon library written entirely in Ruby.
jhawthorn / transitscraper
Forked from uvic-sdo/transitscraperA program that retrieves bus schedules from BC Transit and presents them in a more usable interface
uvic-sdo / library
Forked from grncdr/libraryLibrary system - SDO project