Hi, I am Justin, a Software Developer, Embedded IoT Enthusiast and a (Hopefully) open source contributor.
[Currenlty Learning and Reading]
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP),Hal Abelson_ Gerald Jay Sussman ,MIT Press (2002)
- Algorithmic Graph Theory and Sage by David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen, David Phillips
- Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software Produced by KevinZhang
- Coming Soon
[Personal Projects]
- Applyig Solutions while working through Algorithmic Graph Theory and Sage, using Python
- SICP using Scheme
- Scraping more sites with my web-scraper using Beautiful Soup or Node.js
- RTOS system using ESP32
- SumatraPDF
- MPV player