by jiangplus
CAP 定理 要求必须在 availability, consistency 和 partition-tolerance 之间取舍
另一种途径是 eventual consistency 或 optimistic replication
- 通过乐观的复制提高可用性
- 数据的变更在后台进程异步的复制到其他副本,并容忍网络断开
- 当发现冲突的变更时,需要进行处理
- 最终一致性数据库
“always writeable”,冲突是在读取和分发的时候处理的
“last write wins” 策略
Dynamo 要求保持增量的可伸缩性,动态对节点上的数据分区,使用一致性哈希来分配负载
根据 key 的范围构成一个环,每个节点分配一个随机 ID,代表在环上的位置
由于每个节点的能力往往是不一样的,一个物理节点会分配多个虚拟节点 vnode
每个数据会分发到多台机器上,一个 key 的相关节点构成 preference list
用 merkle tree 进行数据的同步,根据 key range 生成相应 merkle tree,可以快速判断共同的 key
数据会带有 vector clock 版本号,更新的时候需要带上读取的版本号,并且生成新的版本
Dyanmo 使用 quorum 机制保持一致性,每条数据如果总共有 N 个副本,必须在 R 个节点上读取成功,W 个节点上写入成功,并且 R + W > N,保证数据的一致性。
- Convergent or commutative replicated data type
- Conflict-free replicated data type
- 在数学上能确保具有最终一致性
- 不需要同步,可以本地立即更新,与网络的延迟和时效无关
- scalable and fault-tolerant
In state-based (or passive) replication, an update occurs entirely at the source, then propagates by transmitting the modified payload between replicas.
In operation-based (or active) replication, the system transmits operations.
Two replicas xi and xj of an object x converge eventually if the following conditions are met:
• Safety: ∀i,j : C(xi) = C(xj) implies that the abstract states of i and j are equivalent.
• Liveness: ∀i,j : f ∈ C(xi) implies that, eventually, f ∈ C(xj).
A type with these properties will be called a Convergent Replicated Data Type or CvRDT.
In an op-based object, a reliable broadcast channel guarantees that all updates are delivered at every replica, in the delivery order < d specified by the data type.
If all concurrent operations commute, then all execution orders consistent with delivery order are equivalent, and all replicas converge to the same state.
Such an object is called a Commutative Replicated Data Type (CmRDT).
op-based counter
State-based increment-only Counter (G-Counter)
Non-negative Counter
A register is a memory cell storing an opaque atom or object (noted type X hereafter). concurrent updates do not commute
A Last-Writer-Wins Register (LWW-Register)
Multi-Value Register (MV-Register)
- Grow-Only Set (G-Set)
avoid remove altogether
- 2P-Set
Two-Phase Set (2P-Set) is a Set where an element may be added and removed, but never added again thereafter. It combines a G-Set for adding with another for removing. the effect of the remove still takes precedence.
Observed-Remove Set (OR-Set)