- shenzhen, china
evalstate / fast-agent
Forked from lastmile-ai/mcp-agentDefine, Prompt and Test MCP enabled Agents and Workflows
naomijub / bevy_knossos
Forked from unrenamed/knossosA Bevy Library to generate mazes using Knossos Rust Crate
sxzz / telegram-search
Forked from GramSearch/telegram-search一个功能强大的 Telegram 聊天记录搜索工具,支持向量搜索和语义匹配。
jeremyevans / roda
Forked from soveran/cubaRouting Tree Web Toolkit
devflowinc / firecrawl-simple
Forked from mendableai/firecrawl➖ Stripped down, stable version of firecrawl optimized for self-hosting and ease of contribution. Billing logic and AI features are completely removed. Crawl and convert any website into LLM-ready …
avsm / ocaml-h2
Forked from anmonteiro/ocaml-h2An HTTP/2 implementation written in pure OCaml
gballet / phant
Forked from stateless-consensus/phantA stateless Ethereum execution client
dnSpyEx / dnSpy
Forked from dnSpy/dnSpyUnofficial revival of the well known .NET debugger and assembly editor, dnSpy
Scrape twitter accounts for fine tuning
Philogy / create3crunch
Forked from 0age/create2crunchA Rust program for finding (salt, nonce)-pairs that create gas-efficient Ethereum addresses via CREATE3.
lukaszsamson / erlzmq
Forked from esl/erlzmqErlang binding for 0MQ (v2)
Code AI platform with Code Search & Cody
trail-of-forks / mimid
Forked from vrthra/mimidReplication package for Mining Input Grammars From Dynamic Control Flow
couchbase / manifest
Forked from membase/manifestTop-level source repository for Couchbase Server source code and build projects
Metadata Portal for parachains
wayfair / dociql
Forked from sourcey/spectacleA beautiful static documentation generator for GraphQL
paulmillr / eth-crypto
Forked from pubkey/eth-cryptoCryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials to use them with web3js and solidity
kamescg / frames.js
Forked from framesjs/frames.jsThe fastest way to make a Farcaster Frame
gballet / membership
Forked from protocolguild/documentationHow Protocol Guild members are added, removed, or have their weights updated
tonsky / tools.namespace
Forked from clojure/tools.namespaceTools for managing namespaces in Clojure
bowbahdoe / eva
Forked from Workiva/evaA distributed database-system implementing an entity-attribute-value data-model that is time-aware, accumulative, and atomically consistent
sourcey / webrtc-builds
Forked from vsimon/webrtcbuildsAutomated WebRTC build scripts for Linux, Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.
deathau / markdownload
Forked from ariesdevil/markdown-clipperA Firefox and Google Chrome extension to clip websites and download them into a readable markdown file.
tenderlove / protobuf.com
Forked from bufbuild/protobuf.comBuf's Guide to Protobuf. Home of the language spec and grammar for the Protobuf IDL.
ahdinosaur / cable.rs
Forked from cabal-club/cable.rsrust implementation of the cable protocol
threatgrid / clj-jwt
Forked from yogsototh/clj-jwtClojure library for JSON Web Token(JWT)
node-webrtc is a Node.js Native Addon that provides bindings to WebRTC M98
facebook / kuduraft
Forked from apache/kuduA Raft Library in C++ based on the Raft implementation in Apache Kudu