Shopify-Wish-List Public
Forked from zakhardage/Shopify-Wish-Listnon-app wish list using customer.tags
email-blueprints Public
Forked from mailchimp/email-blueprintsHTML Email Layouts by MailChimp
UpdatedMay 16, 2014 -
sass-ie Public
Forked from jakearchibald/sass-ieWriting mobile-first styles without leaving IE<9 behind
Shell UpdatedOct 3, 2012 -
flexnav Public
Forked from mrjasonweaver/flexnavA Device Agnostic Approach to Complex Site Navigation
Proportional-Grids Public
Forked from makingsnippets/Proportional-GridsDon’t think widths, think proportions. A dead simple method of creating responsive fluid grids with fixed gutters. Use classes to set the proportions you want your grid to take at which breakpoint.
UpdatedSep 13, 2012