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ExcelTransformLoad is a simple .NET library for extracting data from Excel files using ClosedXML, transforming it as needed, and loading it into your object.


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ExcelTransformLoad (In-progress)


ExcelTransformLoad is a simple .NET library for extracting data from Excel files using ClosedXML, transforming it as needed, and loading it into your object.

Getting Started

Installation (Coming soon)

Basic Usage

1. Define your model with ExcelColumn attributes

public class Person {
    [ExcelColumn("Full Name", "Name", "Employee Name")]
    public string? Name { get; init; }
    [ExcelColumn("Age", "Employee Age")]
    public int? Age { get; init; }
    public decimal? Salary { get; init; }
    [ExcelColumn("Join Date")]
    public DateTime JoinDate { get; init; }
    [ExcelColumn("Last Active", "Last Activity")]
    public DateTime? LastActive { get; init; }

The ExcelColumn attribute maps Excel column headers to C# properties. Ever had someone from HR send you reports where column names change daily? "EMPLOYEE NAME" on Monday, "Employee Name" on Tuesday, and "employee_name" on Wednesday? No problem! You can map multiple possible column names to handle these situations gracefully.

2. Extract data from Excel

From a Stream
// Get a stream from a file, memory, or any other source
using var stream = File.OpenRead("employees.xlsx");

// Extract the data using a fluent API
var people = new ExcelExtractor<Person>()
    .WithHeader(true)               // Excel file contains headers
    .WithSheetIndex(1)              // Use the first sheet (1-based index)
    .FromStream(stream)             // Set the source stream
    .Extract();                     // Perform the extraction

// Use the extracted data
foreach (var person in people) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Name: {person.Name}, Age: {person.Age}, Joined: {person.JoinDate:d}");
From a File
var people = new ExcelExtractor<Person>()

Advanced Features

Working with Files Without Headers

For Excel files without headers, you can use the column indices instead:

// Define a model without header mapping
public class PersonNoHeader {
    // Properties will be mapped by column position (1-based)
    public string? Name { get; init; }
    public int? Age { get; init; }
    public decimal? Salary { get; init; }
    public DateTime JoinDate { get; init; }
    public DateTime? LastActive { get; init; }

// Extract the data
var people = new ExcelExtractor<PersonNoHeader>()
    .WithHeader(false)              // Specify that there's no header row

Manual Mapping

For more control over the extraction process, you can use manual mapping with a custom function:

// Extract data with manual mapping
var people = new ExcelExtractor<Person>()
    .WithManualMapping(row => new Person
        Name = row.Cell(1).GetString(),
        Age = !row.Cell(2).IsEmpty() ? (int)row.Cell(2).GetDouble() : null,
        Salary = !row.Cell(3).IsEmpty() ? (decimal)row.Cell(3).GetDouble() : null,
        JoinDate = row.Cell(4).GetDateTime(),
        LastActive = !row.Cell(5).IsEmpty() ? row.Cell(5).GetDateTime() : null


Processing Employee Data with Headers

// Read employee data with headers
var employees = new ExcelExtractor<Person>()

// Calculate average salary
var averageSalary = employees
    .Where(e => e.Salary.HasValue)
    .Average(e => e.Salary.Value);

Processing Raw Data Without Headers

// Read raw data without headers
var data = new ExcelExtractor<PersonNoHeader>()

Using Manual Mapping for Selective Column Reading

// Read only specific columns
var partialData = new ExcelExtractor<Person>()
    .WithManualMapping(row => new Person
        // Only map name and join date
        Name = row.Cell(1).GetString(),
        JoinDate = row.Cell(4).GetDateTime()

Performance Considerations

Based on benchmarks, manual mapping provides a small performance advantage over attribute-based mapping. Choose the approach that works best for your specific use case and code organization preferences:

Method Mean Error StdDev Gen0 Gen1 Gen2 Allocated
SmallFile_AttributeMapping 3.330 ms 0.0482 ms 0.0403 ms 140.6250 46.8750 - 1.89 MB
SmallFile_ManualMapping 2.740 ms 0.0197 ms 0.0154 ms 148.4375 46.8750 - 1.86 MB
SmallFile_ManualMapping_NoAttributes 2.766 ms 0.0550 ms 0.0540 ms 148.4375 46.8750 - 1.86 MB
MediumFile_AttributeMapping 16.327 ms 0.3255 ms 0.5615 ms 1000.0000 727.2727 90.9091 13.66 MB
MediumFile_ManualMapping 15.806 ms 0.3136 ms 0.5492 ms 1000.0000 700.0000 100.0000 13.67 MB
LargeFile_AttributeMapping 177.912 ms 3.4578 ms 4.8473 ms 9000.0000 4000.0000 2000.0000 129.31 MB
LargeFile_ManualMapping 183.702 ms 3.1083 ms 2.7555 ms 9000.0000 5000.0000 2000.0000 129.61 MB
ManyColumns_AttributeMapping 27.877 ms 0.5434 ms 0.5815 ms 1444.4444 888.8889 222.2222 18.74 MB
ManyColumns_ManualMapping 27.434 ms 0.4533 ms 0.4241 ms 1444.4444 888.8889 222.2222 18.69 MB

Why Use ExcelTransformLoad?

If you're already using ClosedXML or similar libraries extensively, this one might not add much extra value. But if you're looking for a simple way to read an Excel file and load it into your objects without any hassle, this library is worth checking out!

It's user-friendly and follows a fluent pattern, making it easy to define your options in a natural, intuitive way.


ExcelTransformLoad is a simple .NET library for extracting data from Excel files using ClosedXML, transforming it as needed, and loading it into your object.








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