gloc provides modularity and dynamic linking to WebGL and OpenGL ES 2.0 GLSL shader systems. gloc 1.0 features:
- an ESSL preprocessor to expand SL source for analysis
- preprocessor conditional expression partial evaluation
- a semantic JSON shader object format glo with well-ordered symbolic dependencies
- a client-side linker to assemble glo for rendering
- compile-time macro definition
- link-time macro definition
- source-to-source translation with accurate source locations and comment annotations
- a JavaScript implementation of the linking algorithm glol
- runs as a native binary and in-the-browser via js_of_ocaml
gloc is licensed under a BSD-3-Clause license and distributed by Ashima Arts as a member of the greater WebGL community.
gloc version 1.0.0 (Ashima Arts)
-c produce glo and halt; do not link
--xml produce glo XML documents
-E preprocess and halt; do not parse SL
-e parse preprocessor and halt; do not preprocess
--source strip the glo format and return the contained source
-u required symbol (default ['main'])
--define define a macro unit
-D define a global macro
-o output file
--accuracy {best|preprocess}output accuracy
-L disregard incoming line directives
-x {webgl}source language
-t {webgl}target language
-v verbose
--meta prototypical glo file to use for metadata
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options
type glo = {
target:(string * version);
?meta:meta option;
~units: u list <ocaml repr="array">;
~linkmap: (string * string) list <json repr="object">
type meta = {
copyright:(year * href);
~author:href list;
?license:href option;
?library:href option;
?version:(version * url) option;
?build:href option;
type u = {
~pdir: string list;
~edir: (string * string) list;
?vdir: int option;
~insym:string list;
~outsym:string list;
~inmac:string list;
~opmac:string list;
~outmac:string list;
type url = string
type href = (string * url)
type year = int
type version = (int * int * int)
type glom <ocaml_json module="Yojson.Safe" t="json"> = abstract
The source code is conversationally-commented. If you have questions or concerns, just ask! :-)
WebGL application developers need only to use the JavaScript glol link algorithm at TBA and the gloc_js compiler available at TBA. No local software installation is required.
Shader library developers and those developers with native build systems will need the following local software packages to build gloc:
These software packages may be available in your operating system's package repository.
Developers of the gloc tool itself will need all of the packages required by shader developers for a local gloc build as well as the latest development version of js_of_ocaml to build the JavaScript port of the compiler and linker.
Commercial users of gloc include:
- Ashima Arts' Ooman
glo shader libraries include:
- Ashima Arts' webgl-noise
Special thanks to the WebGL working group for making this possible by allowing UTF8 in shader comments.
Suggestions? Bugs? Feature wishes? Comments? Language translations? Please use the GitHub project management features in the top bar to help out the project!
Do you use gloc in production? Have you published open source shader libraries that use gloc? Let us know and we'll add you to this file.
Gloc Links Our Creativity! Carpe Ignem!