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High-performance metaheuristics for global optimization.

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Open the Julia REPL and press ] to open the Pkg prompt. To add this package, use the add command:

pkg> add Metaheuristics

Or, equivalently, via the Pkg API:

julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("Metaheuristics")


Some representative metaheuristics are developed here, including those for single- and multi-objective optimization. Moreover, some constraint handling techniques have been considered in most of the implemented algorithms.

Combinatorial Optimization

  • GRASP: Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure.
  • VND: Variable Neighborhood Descent.
  • VNS: Variable Neighborhood Search.
  • BRKGA: Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm.

Single-Objective Optimization

  • ECA: Evolutionary Centers Algorithm
  • DE: Differential Evolution
  • PSO: Particle Swarm Optimization
  • SA: Simulated Annealing
  • MCCGA: Machine-coded Compact Genetic Algorithm
  • GA: Genetic Algorithm
  • and more...

Multi-Objective Optimization

SMS-EMOA in Metaheuristics.jl

  • MOEA/D-DE: Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition
  • NSGA-II: A fast and elitist multi-objective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II
  • NSGA-III: Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm Using Reference-Point-Based Nondominated Sorting Approach
  • SMS-EMOA: An EMO algorithm using the hypervolume measure as the selection criterion
  • SPEA2: Improved Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm
  • CCMO: Coevolutionary Framework for Constrained Multiobjective Optimization

Performance Indicators

  • GD: Generational Distance
  • IGD, IGD+: Inverted Generational Distance (Plus)
  • C-metric: Covering Indicator
  • HV: Hypervolume
  • Δₚ (Delta p): Averaged Hausdorff distance
  • Spacing Indicator
  • and more...

Multi-Criteria Decision-Making

Multi-Criteria Decision Making methods are available, including:

Quick Start

Assume you want to solve the following minimization problem.

Rastrigin Surface


f ( x ) = 10 D + i = 1 D x i 2 10 cos ( 2 π x i )

where x [ 5 , 5 ] D , that is, each coordinate in x is between -5 and 5. Use D = 10 .


Firstly, import the Metaheuristics package:

using Metaheuristics

Code the objective function:

f(x) = 10length(x) + sum( x.^2 - 10cos.(2π*x)  )

Instantiate the bounds:

D = 10
bounds = boxconstraints(lb = -5ones(D), ub = 5ones(D))

Also, bounds can be a 2 × 10 Matrix where the first row corresponds to the lower bounds whilst the second row corresponds to the upper bounds.

Approximate the optimum using the function optimize.

result = optimize(f, bounds)

Optimize returns a State datatype which contains some information about the approximation. For instance, you may use mainly two functions to obtain such an approximation.

@show minimum(result)
@show minimizer(result)


See the documentation for more details, examples and options.

How to cite?

Please cite the package using the bibtex entry

  doi = {10.21105/joss.04723}, 
  url = {}, 
  year = {2022}, 
  publisher = {The Open Journal}, 
  volume = {7}, 
  number = {78}, 
  pages = {4723}, 
  author = {Jesús-Adolfo Mejía-de-Dios and Efrén Mezura-Montes}, 
  title = {Metaheuristics: A Julia Package for Single- and Multi-Objective Optimization}, 
 journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }

or the citation string

Mejía-de-Dios et al., (2022). Metaheuristics: A Julia Package for Single- and Multi-Objective Optimization. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(78), 4723,

in your scientific paper if you use Metaheristics.jl.


Please feel free to send me your PR, issue or any comment about this package for Julia.