A curated list of Last.fm tools and resources
- Collage Makers - tools to visualize your scrobbles in the form of a collage
- Word Cloud Makers - tools for making word clouds (usually by genre or artist)
- Scrobble Analyzers - general charting and graphing tools
- Taste Analyzers - tools for analyzing your taste in music as a whole
- Discord Bots - some Discord bots for Last.fm integration
- Misc Tools - Other Last.fm tools for power users and the like
- Other Lists Like This - other like-minded individuals' LastFM lists
- Last.fm Collage Generator - generate 3-5x collages over a period of time; can show artists only as well as play count
- Tapmusic - collage generator that lets you make up to 5x5 collages for free online (10x10 is premium-only, however you can use the Discord bot ".fmbot" to make 10x10s for free)
- SongStitch - SongStitch is a free, fast and highly customisable last.fm collage generator that allows you to create personalised collages of your most played albums, artists, and tracks
- Topsters 3 - a free collage generator, allowing for LastFM imports and charts up to 10x10, however only albums are able to be imported
- Collage Generator for Last.fm - an open-source command-line app to generate a collage of your favorite albums based on Last.fm scrobbles
- Musicorum - open-source Last.fm collage generator allowing you to select different themes, grid size, and time periods
- Artist Cloud - generate word cloud of your scrobbles
- Tag Cloud Generator - generate a word cloud of the genres you listen to
- Bubbles Last.fm labs - generate bubbles of your most listened to artists along with the ability to compare with friends
- explr.fm - analyze the geographic location of your Last.fm scrobbles
- Last.fm Time Charts - make charts based on playtime rather than playcount (can do track or artist)
- Last.fm Tools - a Swiss army knife of Last.fm tools, this site lets you graph/summarize your genres or artists
- Lastvmviz - visualize every scrobble (up to 75,000) on a single page using album art
- Last Chart! - create colourful charts of your scrobbled artists, grouped by tag or similarity
- Last History - graph the scrobble count of your top 10 artists over a period of time
- LastWave - graph your music listening history in the form of a colourful graph
- Nicholast.fm - analyze monthly/yearly top stats as well as recommend tracks and artists
- Scatter.FM - visualize your history in the form of a graph, by artist
- Timewhizzs - generate charts based on minutes listened, not scrobbles
- Last.fm Mainstream Factor - analyze how mainstream your music taste is
- Last.fm Taste Overlap - see how your taste compares to another user on Last.fm
- .fmbot - Discord bot for Last.fm music statistics
- Chuu - highly customizable Last.fm user bot with over 200+ commands
- Descent Live! - elegant "now-playing" display
- GitHub README Last.fm Stats - dynamically-generated Last.fm stats for your GitHub profile README
- Last.fm Bulk Edit - bulk edit your scrobbles for any artist, album or track
- Open Scrobbler - tool for manual scrobbling. Completely free.
- Universal Scrobbler - tool for manual scrobbling of Last.fm songs. Paid.
- Receiptify - generates a list receipt style graphic of your listening history
- Last.fm live - Shows current activity of friends and more
- bijou.fm - iOS, tvOS and web app with beautiful charts and much more.
- Lastly - Last.fm stats for your GitHub readme
- logScrobbler - Scrobbles tracks from a log file generated by the Rockbox iPod firmware.
- List of Spotify/Last.fm stats websites - /r/lastfm post that inspired this one
Contributions welcome! First, read contribution guidelines.
This 'Awesome' repository was generated from dar5hak's Yeoman generator.