Armbian Config: The Next Generation
armbian-config provides configuration and installation routines for customizing and automating tasks within Armbian Linux environment. These utilities help streamline setup processes for various use cases.
- Lightweight: Minimal dependencies for optimal performance.
- Flexible: Supports JSON, TUI, CLI, and API interfaces.
- Modern: A fresh approach to configuration.
- Low entropy: Byte clean uninstall for most targets.
- System Configuration:
- Kernel management, headers, hardware tweaks.
- NFS and ZFS storage management.
- SSH user access tweaks.
- System updates, rolling / stable, containers update.
- Network Management:
- Fixed / dynamic IP configuration.
- Connecting to wireless network.
- Access point management.
- Localization Settings:
- Configure time zone.
- Set language and locales.
- Change hostname.
- Software Management:
- Software installation and removal.
- Native and containerized environment.
- Standardised, updatable, maintained.
This tool is tailored to work best with Armbian Linux but it has also been automatically tested on:
- Debian Bookworm
- Ubuntu Jammy
- Ubuntu Noble
In theory it should work on all systemd APT based Linux distributions: Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Kali Linux, MX Linux, Parrot OS, Proxmox, Raspberry Pi OS, ...
Armbian config is preinstalled on Armbian. Open or login into your terminal and run:
Add Armbian key + repository and install the tool:
wget -qO - | gpg --dearmor | \
sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg > /dev/null
cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian-config.sources > /dev/null
Types: deb
Suites: stable
Components: main
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install armbian-config
Please refer to general and specific guidelines for adding a new feature.
Sustainability of Armbian development relies on donations and sponsorships.
(c) Contributors
All code is licensed under the GPL, v3 or later. See LICENSE file for details.