A lightweight and easy-to-configure extension for the Google Ads PHP Client, with OAuth2 support.
Install the package using composer
`composer require joelbutcher/googleads
To configure the service, provide an array with your client_id
, client_secret
, developer_token
and Google Ads Account ID:
$config = [
'client_id' => '<your-app-client-id>',
'client_secret' => '<your-app-client-secret>',
'developer_token' => '<your-developer-token>',
'login_customer_id' => '<your-app-client-id>',
$googleAds = new GoogleAds($config);
Note, if you're using an MCC (Manager account),
will need to be your MCC account ID.
Once you've configured the client, you are then ready to start using the client to interact with Google Ads. First, we need to authorize the user with a refresh token. This can be obtained from a simple OAuth flow with Google.
Make sure to request the adwords scope in your OAuth2.0 authorization request.
// ...
If you're using an MCC and have configured your login_customer_id
to use the MCC account ID, you will need to pass the ID of the account you are acting on behalf of, as the second parameter to the authorize
// ...
$googleAds->authorize($refreshToken, '<child-account-id>');
Now that you're all configured and authenticated, you can now begin interacting with the underlying GoogleAdsClient
class. You can call any of the services found here directly from the your $googleAds
instance from the snippets above. For example, to retrieve the Campaign Service Client, simply call the following:
// ...
Currently, we only support V9 of the Google Ads SDK.
Check out the CHANGELOG in this repository for all the recent changes.
Developed and maintained by Joel Butcher
You can view all contributers here
This pacakge is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.