SixArm Software, http://sixarm.com
- San Francisco, California, US
- http://www.joelparkerhenderson.com
- in/joelparkerhenderson
- @joelparkerhenderson.com
- joelparkerhenderson
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Demonstration of Python Django Cookiecutter
Functional specifications tutorial
architecture-decision-record Public
Architecture decision record (ADR) examples for software planning, IT leadership, and template documentation
demo-rust-fhir-sdk Public
Demonstration of Rust programming and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Software Development Kit (SDK)
Rust UpdatedMar 4, 2025 -
maturity-models Public
Maturity models for IT, Agile, DevOps, TOGAF, Six Sigma, P3M3, etc.
Demo Selenium JavaScript E2E tests (end-to-end web browser automation tests)
demo-rust-rocket-auth0 Public
Demo Rust Rocket web framework with Auth0 API identity
demo-rust-html-parser Public
Demo Rust HTML parser using html5ever crate
demo-rust-cursive Public
Demo Rust Cursive crate for terminal user interface (TUI)
demo-rust-criterion Public
Demonstration of Rust Criterion benchmark crate
Demo TypeScript + SheetsJS XLSX + Apache Arrow
TypeScript UpdatedFeb 27, 2025 -
demo-elixir-phoenix Public
Demonstration of Elixir language and Phoenix framework
Vision statements and mission statements by many companies and organizations
wordbooks Public
Demo wordbooks for business, projects, industries, software, consulting, and more
demo-rust-axum Public
Demo of Rust and axum web framework with Tokio, Tower, Hyper, Serde
Weather forecaster demonstration app implemented with Ruby on Rails
demo-rust-ed25519-dalek Public
Demo Rust Ed25519 Dalek for cryptographic message signatures
demo-rails-app Public
Demonstration of a Rails starter app with Rails 7, Postgres 14 and UUID PKs, ActiveStorage, Devise, etc.
it Public
JoelParkerHenderson.com → IT infrastructure, operations, website, etc.