Fully responsive image plugin for wordpress
React feedback app from React course
Drupal theme built with Storybook and Webpack
A CSS course to turn you into a magician.
🆙 Upscayl - #1 Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler for Linux, MacOS and Windows.
WordPress Plugin to support better responsive images with <picture> tag, backgrounds, retina support etc.
A high performance blog template for the 11ty static site generator.
WordPress upstream for the Pantheon website platform. Includes a platform integration plugins and a pre-configured wp-config.php.
Work in progress script to automate crawling a website for screenshots to archive. Written for Brandy!
Easy responsive images for Jekyll.
WordPress theme built with ReactJS and Redux calling WP-REST-API for content
Include GitHub Gists in your Gutenberg posts without the hassle of shortcodes
The Block Editor project for WordPress and beyond. Plugin is available from the official repository.
Pa11y is your automated accessibility testing pal
LOOKING FOR MAINTAINER - - - A GatsbyJS starter template that leverages the WordPress API, ACF and more
Finds the Above the Fold CSS for your page, and outputs it into a file
Keep your wireframes free of distracting Lorem Ipsum.
DEPRECATED (see README for new version)