gifify is a shell script for converting screen recordings into GIFs that can be conveniently embedded into a number of services.
brew install gifify
Usage: gifify [options] input-file
Options: (all optional)
-c value Crop the input
-C Conserve memory by writing frames to disk (slower)
-d value Directon (normal, reverse, alternate) [default: normal]
-l value Set loop extension to N iterations (default 0 - forever).
-o value The output file
-p value Scale the output, e.g. 320:240
-q value Quality. The higher the quality, the longer it takes to generate
-r value Set the output framerate (default 10)
-s value Set the speed modifier (default 1)
NOTE: GIFs max out at 100fps depending on platform. For consistency,
ensure that FPSxSPEED is not > ~60!
-S value Set start time (default 0)
-t value Set duration (default full video)
-v Print version
Given a file
gifify -o gif.gif
gifify -c 100:100
gifify -r 60
gifify -r 30 -s 2
gifify -s 6
GIF renderers typically cap the framerate somewhere between 60 and 100 frames per second. If you choose to change the framerate or playback speed of your GIFs, ensure your framerates do not exceed 60 frames per second to ensure your GIFs play consistently. An easy way to compute this is to ensure that FPS (-r
) x SPEED (-s
) is not greater than 60.