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Concept map

Cartesian Coordinate Spaceshape tupleSpace & ShapeRegionDomain/IndexSetRegion
Coordinatesx,y… coordsIndexPoint
Mapping of coords to storageLayoutDomainMap
Low Level StoragebufferByteProviderLocale
Storage DistributionDistribution

Core Abstractions

Data Format/Storage/Layout/Location abstractions


  • Aggregate

DataDescriptor (ElementDescriptor?)

  • Elementwise
  • binary layout per-element

DataType (ElementType?) Descriptor heirarchy


  • Dependent on Locale, DataDescriptor, Domain
  • Data providers must provide each impl
  • Maps from domain coord space to Locale byte locations for elements

Generic function make-domain-map

  • kwds: :locale, :data-descriptor, :domain

IndexSpace/Domain/DataSpace Abstractions

  • Cartesion Coords
  • Optional “Rich Index” (categorical/associative/???…) Coords
  • Maybe low-level numeric coords Array and rich indexing for table types a la Blaze?

Range/Coord/Point Abstractions

MultiArray object Abstractions

  • getitem/getslice ops
  • setitem/setslice ops for mutable arrays

Elwise op HLF

  • unary-elwise-op, binary-elwise-op(two arrays), n-ary-elwise-op


  • runtime form builder interface. Build form/compile/memoize/invoke.
  • getitem/getslice/setitem/setslice op forms
  • forms to transform coords to low-level byte address per-domain-map/locale
  • unary-elwise-op, binary-elwise-op(two arrays), n-ary-elwise-op
    • :in :out array params for optional in-place/reuse usage patterns
    • Form to construct outer loop with offset+shape/stride vars bound
    • Form to build inc step given above offset+shape/stride vars inline in loop (inc-expr)

Study of Chapele language


At the lowest level of Chapel’s concept stack are locality-oriented features. Their goal is to permit users to reason about the placement and affinity of data and tasks on a large-scale distributed-memory machine. The central concept in this area is the locale type.

A locale abstractly represents a unit of the target architecture that supports processing and storage. On conventional machines, a locale is typically defined to be a single node, its memory, and its multicore/SMP processors. Chapel programmers can reference a built-in array of locales that represents the compute resources on which their program is running. They can make queries about the compute resources via a number of methods on the locale type. In addition, they can control the placement of variables and tasks on the machine’s nodes using on-clauses, either in an explicit or data-driven manner.


Chapel arrays are defined using a domain–a first-class language concept representing an index set. Chapel’s domains are a generalization of the region concept pioneered by the ZPL language. In Chapel, domains can be named, assigned, and passed between functions. Domains support iteration, intersection, set-oriented queries, and operations for creating other domains. They are also used to declare, slice, and reallocate arrays

DomainMap/Index Set

Chapel domain maps specify the implementation of domains and their associated arrays in the Chapel language. If a domain map targets a single locale’s memory, it is called a layout. If the domain map targets a number of locales we refer to it as a distribution

Creating a user-defined domain map in Chapel involves writing a set of three descriptors that collectively implement Chapel’s Domain map Standard Interface (or DSI for short).

The three descriptors are used to represent the Chapel concepts of (1) domain map, (2) domain, and (3) array, respectively.

Domain Map Descriptor

The domain map descriptor stores any state required to characterize the domain map as a whole. Examples might include whether the domain map uses a row- or columnmajor-order storage layout; the indices to be blocked between locales for a block distribution; the start index for a cyclic or block-cyclic distribution; the block size to be used in a tiled layout or block-cyclic distribution; or the tree of cutting planes used for a multidimensional recursive bisection. For distributions, the global domain map descriptor will also typically store the set of locales that is being targeted.

Domain Map Descriptor routines
  • Index Ownership

The domain map descriptor must support a method, dsiIndexToLocale() which takes an index as an argument and returns the locale that owns the index. This is used to implement the idxToLocale query that Chapel users can make to determine where a specific index is stored.

  • Domain Descriptor Creation

Domain Descriptor

A domain descriptor is used to represent each domain value in a Chapel program. As such, its main responsibility is to store a representation of the domain’s index set. For layouts and regular domains, the complete index set representation is typically stored directly within the descriptor. For distributions of irregular domains that require O(numIndices) storage to represent the index set, a distribution will typically store only summarizing information in its global descriptor. The representation of the complete index set is spread between its associated local descriptors in order to achieve scalability

Domain Descriptor Routines
  • Query/Modifiy IndexSet

A domain descriptor must support certain methods that permit its index set to be queried and modified. To implement assignment of rectangular domains, the Chapel compiler generates a call to dsiGetIndices() on the source domain descriptor, passing the result to dsiSetIndices() on the target domain. These routines return and accept a tuple of ranges to represent the index set in an implementation-independent representation. This supports assignments between domains with distinct distributions or layouts.

  • Query Index Set Properties

Domain descriptors also support a number of methods that implement queries on the domain’s index set. For example, dsiMember() queries whether or not its argument index is a member of the domain’s index set. It is used for operations like array bounds checking and user membership queries. Another routine, dsiNumIndices(), is used to query the size of a domain’s index set. Rectangular domains support additional queries to determine the bounds and strides of their dimensions.

  • Iterators

Domain descriptors must provide serial and parallel iterators that generate all of the indices described by their index set. The compiler generates invocations of these iterators to implement serial and parallel loops over domain values. Parallel iterators for distributions will typically be written such that each locale generates the local indices that it owns. Parallel iteration is a fairly advanced topic in Chapel due to its use of a novel leader/follower iterator strategy to support zippered parallel iteration, which is beyond the scope of this paper.

  • Create Array Descriptors

Domain descriptors serve as factories for array descriptors via the dsiBuildArray() method. This call takes the array’s element type as its argument and is generated by the compiler whenever a new array variable is created. The dsiBuildArray() routine allocates storage for the array elements and returns the array descriptor that will serve as the runtime representation of the array. If applicable, dsiBuildArray() also allocates the local array descriptors which, in turn, allocate local array storage

Array Descriptor

Each array value in a Chapel program is represented by an array descriptor at runtime. As such, its state must represent the collection of variables representing the array’s elements. Since arrays require O(numElements) storage by definition, distributions will typically farm the storage for these variables out to the local descriptors, while layouts will typically store the array elements directly within the descriptor. The actual array elements are typically stored within a descriptor using a non-distributed array declared over a domain field from the corresponding domain descriptor.

Array Descriptor Routines
  • Array indexing

The dsiAccess() method implements random access into the array, taking an index as its argument. It determines which array element variable the index corresponds to and returns a reference to it. In the most general case, this operation may require consulting the domain and/or domain map descriptors to locate the array element’s locale and memory location.

  • Iterators

The array descriptor must provide serial and parallel iterators to generate references to its array elements. Invocations of these iterators are generated by the compiler to implement serial and parallel loops over the corresponding array. As with domains, the parallel iterator will typically yield each array element from the locale on which it is stored.

  • Slicing, Reindexing, and Rank Change

Chapel supports array slicing, reindexing, and rank change operators that can be used to refer to a subarray of values, potentially using a new index set. These are supported on array descriptors using the dsiSlice(), dsiReindex() and dsiRankChange() methods, respectively. Each of these methods returns a new array descriptor whose variables alias the elements stored by the original array descriptor. In the case of reindexing and rank change, new domain and/or domain map descriptors may also need to be created to describe the new index sets and mappings.


Layouts tend to focus on details like how a domain’s indices or array’s elements are stored in memory; or how a parallel iteration over the domain or array should be implemented using local processor resources. Distributions specify those details as well, but also map the indices and elements to distinct locales. In particular, a distribution maps a complete index space—such as the set of all 2D 64-bit integer indices—to a user-specified set of target locales. When multiple domains share a single distribution, they are considered to be aligned since a given index will map to the same locale for each domain. Just as domains permit the amortization of overheads associated with index sets across multiple arrays, distributions support the amortization of overheads associated with distributing aligned index sets. An array’s elements are mapped to locales according to its defining domain’s domain map. In this way, a single domain map can be used to declare several domains, while each domain can in turn define multiple arrays. Chapel also supports subdomain declarations, which support semantic reasoning about index subsets.



Creation flow: Distribution –> [Domain / DomainMap] –> Array

A Chapel array is a one-to-one mapping from an index set to a set of variables of arbitrary but homogeneous type.

Chapel arrays are implemented in terms of domain maps, most of which are themselves implemented using simpler domains and arrays. To break this cycle, Chapel supports a default array layout that is implemented in terms of a Cstyle primitive data buffer