🤖 A bot that looks for popular stuff updates, then push data into this repository as JSON, markdown report, and RSS/Atom feeds. Currently runs as a GitHub Action. See generated reports:
- JSON report
- Markdown report
- Markdown report (ordered by date)
- Properties report
- RSS feed
- Atom feed
- JetBrains IDEs versions
This bot currently monitors updates for:
- 7+ Taskbar Tweaker
- Adoptium (previously AdoptOpenJDK): every LTS version
- Golang SDK
- GPG4Win
- Gradle
- Inkscape
- IntelliJ IDEA stable and EAP
- K-Lite Codec Pack Basic
- Les Cast Codeurs (a great French podcast)
- Maven
- NodeJS: LTS and current
- PostgreSQL
- Python 3
- Spring Boot
- VeraCrypt
June 2024: Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes All-in-One and ThrottleStop have been removed as the www.techpowerup.com website displays a captcha when coming from a GitHub action. I have no solution for that (if I want to continue to use GitHub actions). Ideas or contributions are highly welcome and appreciated.
Update checkers code is here: source code. They are based on Jsoup scrapper, or simply by consuming JSON API.
Don't hesitate to submit new checkers.